The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Death of Missionaries

After an absence of one year, eleven months, and eighteen days, the Pitcairn returned to San Francisco, where it arrived Oct. 9, 1892. During this time Captain Marsh had passed away, and been buried in the island of New Zealand. Mr. Tay was stricken with pneumonia, from which he never recovered. He, too, passed peacefully away, and was laid to rest in the distant land of Fiji; and thus were two precious lives given so soon to the Polynesian Mission. GSAM 429.2

The missionaries located on the island of Tahiti, at Papaete, were led to rejoice in seeing, almost immediately, fruits of their labor. They were enabled to send to the homeland, at this date, the cheering report of forty persons converted and organized into a Seventh-day Adventist church. GSAM 429.3