The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Elder Haskell in Africa

It was in August of this same year that Elder Haskell arrived in Cape Town. Five months were well spent in visiting and laboring with the different companies in South Africa. By this visit the cause was strengthened and built up, and his own heart encouraged in that he saw fruit of his labor. An interest in the educational work was aroused, insomuch that twelve students from Africa came to America to attend our denominational schools. GSAM 425.1

In the meantime the canvassing work received due consideration. An institute in the interest of this work was held in Cape Town, conducted by Mr. E. M. Morrison, which gave new life and energy to this important branch of the message. Immediately following the instruction given at this institute, thirteen canvassers, in six months, sold and delivered books to the amount of $5,621.28. In fact, so numerous were the orders that they completely “swamped” the London office, as books could not be prepared fast enough to meet the demand. GSAM 425.2

In the year 1892, Elder A. T. Robinson connected with the work in South Africa. At that time the work had grown to that extent that a new depository was required to take the place of the old. Hence a new building was erected sufficiently large to furnish room for meetings of the church. GSAM 425.3