The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Elder Prescott in Australia

In 1895 Elder W. W. Prescott, the Educational Secretary of the denomination, spent a number of months in this conference, devoting much time and thought to this branch of the work. In the mean time he conducted an educational institute which was to them of great benefit. GSAM 423.3

The report made to the General Conference of the work for the year was rendered by Elder W. C. White and is as follows: “The Australian Union Conference is composed of seventeen churches with 1074 members, who paid a tithe the previous year of $9,810.10. This conference has twelve ordained ministers, two licentiates, three Bible workers, and fifty canvassers, who sold during the year $28,731.11 worth of books. During the year the colony of New South Wales, with six churches, and 321 members, was separated from the Australian Conference, and named the New South Wales Conference.” GSAM 424.1