The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Tasmania Entered

A conference has been organized both in Australia and in New Zealand, and the work extended, by Elders Israel and Steed, to Tasmania. In the latter place three churches have already been organized, with an aggregate membership of one hundred and thirty-six. Besides these there are other scattered Sabbath-keepers not yet organized. GSAM 422.3

The tithes for the year in the Australian field were $9,371. There were fifteen canvassers in the field, whose book sales amounted to $19,500. GSAM 422.4

In Elder Haskell’s second trip around the world, he again visited Australia, attended their conference held in August, 1889, and in many ways rendered efficient aid, which was much appreciated by that newly organized company. Different workers from America have from time to time visited Australia in the interest of the one great cause—the upbuilding and strengthening of the work of God. GSAM 422.5