The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Laborers Increased in England

By vote of the General Conference held in the autumn of 1881, Elder A. A. John and his wife, Geo. R. Drew, and Miss Jennie Thayer went to England, and connected with the work in that mission field. During the year 1882, Elder Haskell visited the European field, and spent a number of days with the workers in the English mission, rendering valuable help by way of counsel and advice. GSAM 418.4

In March, 1882, a two-page British supplement to the Signs of the Times began to be printed, and was attached to one thousand copies of the Signs which were sent from America. These were used in the missionary work in Great Britain. A report of the work, Oct. 1, 1883, shows that there were at that date one hundred Sabbath-keepers. The tithes paid from the opening of the mission, were $2,078.71. GSAM 418.5