The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress



William Ings, a native of Hampshire, England, but an American in spirit and education, having lived in the United States from boyhood, reached Southhampton, from Basel, Switzerland, May 23, 1878. At this time his stay was brief, being only two weeks, when he returned to the Continent for a short time. Soon afterward, however, he again went to Southhampton, where, after four months of house-to-house labor distributing tracts and doing such missionary work as presented itself, he reported ten keeping the Sabbath. December 30 of that year, my wife and I arrived at Southhampton, where our labors were united with those of Elder Ings, in holding meetings during the winter in Shirley Hall, and in our own hired house. In the summer of 1879, we held tent-meetings at Southhampton. At this time and place Miss Maud Sisley (now Mrs. Boyd) connected with the work, giving Bible readings and doing house-to-house labor. As a result of this effort, several embraced the truth. In the following winter we held meetings in a hall in Ravenswood Villa, the building in which we lived and had our depository. GSAM 417.3