The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


A Printing Office in Norway

After this Elder Matteson went to Norway, where, June 7, 1879, he organized a church of thirty-eight members, as the result of his labors in Christiana. Elder J. P. Jasperson, from America, joined him in the ministry about this time. In that year also a publishing association was formed in Norway, and property purchased in Christiana for a printing office, meeting-room for church services, and living rooms, at a cost of $14,580. For a time a small edition of a paper, Tidernes Tegn, was issued weekly from the Christiana office. GSAM 415.1

In the early autumn of 1880, Elder Matteson came to America to obtain help to enlarge the Scandinavian work. He attended the General Conference of that year, and returned to Europe in April, 1881, greatly encouraged. Soon after his return, a cylinder press was purchased and placed in the Christiana office. GSAM 415.2