The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The First Book Published in Danish-Norwegian

In the year 1866, Elder John Matteson applied to the managers of the Review and Herald office to ascertain if they would print, for the use of the Scandinavians, pamphlets and tracts in their language. He was informed that a lack of funds at the office forbade their doing so; but there were persons of his nationality in Wisconsin and Minnesota who were so anxious to have the truth printed in their mother tongue that, although they were in moderate circumstances, and numbered less than fifty, they raised $1,000 in cash, and placed it in his hands for that purpose. With this money and a quantity of neatly prepared manuscript, Elder Matteson came to Battle Creek, and again made application for printed books. As he was prepared to meet the objections previously made, his desires were granted, and March 18, 1867, he began the reading of his manuscript, prepared for his book, Liv og Dog, (Life and Death) to Elder J. N. Andrews and myself, who were then members of the committee on publication. In other words, he told us in English what his manuscript said in Danish-Norwegian. GSAM 413.3