The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Canvassing in Germany

In The Home Missionary, December, 1895, Elder Spies said of the canvassing work in the German field, “Those in charge of the canvassing work, when it was begun in this field, did not cease to push it, although assured by some of the leading publishers and book men in Leipsic that ‘selling books by subscription would prove a failure.’ GSAM 412.3

“In August of 1887 the first edition of Life of Christ was gotten out in the German language. About the time the book named was ready for circulation, a canvassers’ institute was held in Basel; this marked the beginning of the canvassing work, not only in Germany, but in all Europe. The seventh edition of this book has now come from the press in the German language. GSAM 412.4

“Since Jan. 1, 1895, twelve new canvassers have entered the field. In June, 1895, the report showed fifty per cent. increase in sales. At present a special effort is being made with Harold der Wahrheit, our German paper. Some, not very large churches, take from fifty to two hundred copies, which they sell. And they have very pleasant experiences with the purchasers. In the Review of Feb. 18, 1896, Elder Conradi said, ‘We close 1895 with fifteen hundred Sabbath-keepers in the German-Russian field.’ “ GSAM 412.5