The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


More Sabbath-keepers in Russia

In Russia, notwithstanding very many had emigrated to other countries, the membership had increased to 467, who paid a tithe of $841.60. GSAM 411.3

From the statement made by the foreign mission secretary in the week of prayer reading for 1896, we learn that “in the German-Russian field during the previous year their numerical strength had been nearly doubled; their number being augmented by an addition of over four hundred. In Berlin, Germany, sixty were attending the regular Sabbath services. The erection of the mission chapel in Hamburg had strengthened the work there. In Munich, in Bavaria, a number were awaiting baptism. There were believers in Leipsic, Konigsberg, Magdeberg, Posen, Stttgart, and other leading towns in Germany. There was also a company in Rotterdam, Holland. GSAM 411.4

“In Russia, colporteurs had obtained permits from the government. Translations of literature had been made in the Lettish and Esthonian languages. The German paper had been moved from Basel to Hamburg, and at that office they were printing the truth in fourteen languages.” GSAM 412.1