The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Mission Opened in Hamburg

In May, 1889, the mission work was opened up in Hamburg, Germany, by Elder Conradi, and in a very short time a training-school for workers was instituted. The following October a Sabbath-school of twenty-eight members was organized. It was during this year that Elder Haskell visited the mission and a church of twenty members was organized, and a book depository established. GSAM 410.1

Elder J. T. Boettcher was at this time engaged in the German work at Barmen. A report was given, in 1890, to the General Conference, stating that in the German-Russian mission there were nine organized churches, with an aggregate membership of 422, besides seventy-five Sabbath-keepers not yet organized. On April 7, the same year, twelve more were baptized, and united with the Hamburg church. In December the membership of this church had increased to forty. The amount received on book sales from the depository in Hamburg, Holland, Russia, and various parts of Germany, was $5,000. GSAM 410.2