The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The Elberfeld Company

On learning that they were not Jews, but Christians, observing the Seventh-day Sabbath, he spoke of this company at Elberfeld. Elder Andrews thought it wise to investigate the statement; therefore, in company with Elder Erzenberger, he went to Prussia in the early part of 1875, where they found the company as represented. Elder Erzenberger remained for some time laboring in that part of Germany, and on Jan. 8, 1876, eight persons were baptized at Elberfeld, being the first baptism by Seventh-day Adventists in Germany. GSAM 408.4

The truth had gained a foothold in Russia as early as 1882, through reading matter sent by German brethren in America to their friends in the German colonies of Russia. GSAM 409.1