The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Elder Holser Superintendent of the Field

Elder H. P. Holser was the man selected for the position, and in addition to this office he was chosen as the manager of the whole Central European Mission. Here he labored untiringly and efficiently until 1901, when he, too, was obliged to succumb to the ravages of disease. He died in Canyon City, Colorado, Sept. 11, 1901. GSAM 408.1

Notwithstanding these adverse circumstances, the mission grew and the work advanced, as shown by a report made to the General Conference in 1895, which states that the Central European Conference is composed of nineteen churches with 484 members, who paid a tithe the previous year of $4,378.18. They had at that date four ordained ministers and five licentiates. GSAM 408.2