The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Elder Whitney Goes to Basel—Death of Elder Andrews

July 26, 1883, Elder B. L. Whitney and his family arrived in Basel, he being appointed by the General Conference Committee to take the management of that mission, to the relief of Elder Andrews, whose health was rapidly declining. A few months later, in October of that year, he passed away. GSAM 405.1

Elder Andrews did not in early life enjoy the advantages of the higher schools and colleges, yet he was well educated, being what the world calls a self-educated or self-made man. By his application to study he mastered Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and in later years the French language. The French language he acquired for its aid in opening and prosecuting the work in the Central European Mission, where he labored for the last six years of his life, writing for and publishing the French Signs of the Times, as well as preaching in that language. It was while thus laboring that he fell under the hand of death. GSAM 405.2