The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Elder Erzenberger Sent to America

In 1869 James Erzenberger, of Tramelan, was sent to America for the purpose of learning the English language and becoming more fully acquainted with the doctrines and usages of the Seventh-day Adventists. He arrived in Battle Creek June 18, and remained in America one and one-half years. He left New York, on his return trip, Sept. 9, 1870. In June of the same year, Ademar Vuilleumier visited this country, where he remained about four years. On his return to the homeland, he was accompanied by Elder Andrews. They arrived in Neuchatel Oct. 16, 1874. GSAM 404.2

In 1875, Elder D. T. Bourdeau and his family left America for France, where they were appointed, by the committee, to labor. GSAM 404.3