The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Prediction Concerning Avondale Fulfilled

In its founding and management it was the aim of the committee to have the school conducted as nearly as possible in harmony with the instructions given respecting industrial schools. This was to be a “model school,” and assurance was given time and again that if properly managed it would be a success, not only as a school, but the land itself, which had been deemed worthless, would be productive. Time, with the blessing of the Lord, has demonstrated the truthfulness of the prediction. Notwithstanding the severe drouth for several years in succession, which brought disaster to agricultural pursuits and a failure of crops all around them, the Avondale farm was green and productive. This was a remarkable occurrence, so much so that the officials of the government came to inquire as to the methods used in farming to produce this wonderful success. GSAM 399.4

The report for the workings of the school for the year 1903, shows an increase of fifty per cent. in attendance. The finances were also in good condition—expenses all met, and a balance of $1,500 in the treasury to be used in the interest of the school. Prof. C. W. Irwin has been the manager and principal of the school for nearly four years. GSAM 400.1