The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Central Bible School, Chicago, Ill

In a Review of March, 1887, a proposition was made by Elder Geo. I. Butler that a mission building be erected in Chicago, Ill., which should serve as a central Bible school for the instruction of Bible workers, and at the same time could be used as a chapel and mission house for our people in the city. In the fall and winter of 1888-89 the building was erected. The cost, including lots, house, furnishings, etc., was about $28,000. It was formally opened April 4, 1889, with a canvassers’ institute. At the time of the dedication the statement was made that our people knew of at least one thousand persons who had already accepted the present truth in various parts of the country from the efforts of the Bible workers. GSAM 397.1

This school was ably conducted by Elder Geo. B. Starr until the spring of 1891. Then, with teachers appointed by the General Conference Committee, it continued its work until the year 1893, when it was found that the building was inadequate to meet the growing demand for Bible instruction. As arrangements were made to connect a Bible school with the Battle Creek College, the Chicago building was sold to the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. The building has been enlarged and equipped for a small sanitarium, and is now called the Chicago Branch of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. GSAM 397.2