The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Battle Creek College Enlarged

The demand for more room at Battle Creek College was such that in the summer of 1886 it became necessary to make an extensive addition to the college building, and the year following (1887), to erect a dormitory (known as the West Hall) for lady students. West Hall contains rooms for 150 students, and 225 can be accommodated in the dining hall; while the South Hall, erected in 1884, at the south of the college campus served as the gentlemen’s dormitory. At the opening of the college for the winter term, 1886-87, there were 568 students in attendance. GSAM 396.1

In 1885 Prof. W. W. Prescott was placed at the head of Battle Creek College, and shortly afterward was appointed to the position of Educational Secretary for the denomination. This was demonstrated as a wise move. Not only was Battle Creek College benefited, but through the labors of such a secretary, with the blessing of God, there was brought about closer unity and greater efficiency in the work of all our denominational schools. GSAM 396.2