The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Healdsburg College

In the Review of Jan. 15, 1884, appeared the following interesting statement respecting the Pacific Coast denominational school:— GSAM 394.3

“In September, 1881, the California Conference decided to open a denominational school, and appointed a committee to carry the enterprise into effect. By April, 1882, ample grounds, with a suitable building of ten rooms, had been purchased, two instructors had been employed, and a school of thirty-three students begun. During the college year (beginning July 29, 1882), the school was regularly chartered as a college, an additional plot of five acres bought, a commodious hall [for a students’ home] erected, a faculty of six teachers secured, and 152 students enrolled. Since its opening nearly $27,000 had been subscribed for the enterprise, much of which has been paid by the people of California.” GSAM 394.4