The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

Money Raised for a College

The General Conference in March, 1873, spent considerable time in considering the propriety of raising means for the erection of suitable buildings for conducting a denominational school, in which workers should be prepared for entering the various fields. The matter being decided favorably, a committee was appointed to take in hand the raising of the necessary funds. During the season able and important articles appeared from time to time in the Review upon this subject, from Elders Butler, White, and others, and by the efforts of Elders Butler and Haskell in the various camp-meetings a large sum of money was raised for the proposed school. GSAM 392.1

Another session of the Conference was held Nov. 16, 1873, when it was reported that $52,000 had already been pledged for the Seventh-day Adventist educational fund, to be used in securing grounds and erecting suitable buildings the next season. By vote, at the same session, a committee of seven was chosen to form an educational society and procure a site for the buildings. GSAM 392.2

At the conference just mentioned, Geo. I. Butler was elected President of the General Conference, and Sidney Brownsberger, Secretary. The committee elected by the General Conference were, Geo. I. Butler, S. N. Haskell, and Harmon Lindsay. The names of James White, Ira Abbey, J. N. Andrews, and Uriah Smith were added, to act with the General Conference Committee as the Committee of Seven, who incorporated as “The Educational Society of the Seventh-day Adventists.” From this time Professor Brownsberger was connected with the Battle Creek College until he was called to take charge of a college then to be opened in Healdsburg, Cal. GSAM 392.3