The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The New Sanitarium

Another building, larger and more substantial than the former, has been erected on the site of old buildings. The corner-stone of the present structure was laid May 12, 1902, and the building was dedicated May 31, 1903. The managers of the institution say of the new edifice that “it is as solid and enduring as a building can be made with iron, stone, brick, and cement. GSAM 374.2

“The equipment of the institution is in all particulars the most modern, complete, sanitary, convenient, and substantial to be obtained; and it is believed that, as it now stands, completed, the Battle Creek Sanitarium offers facilities and conveniences for invalids which are certainly not surpassed. GSAM 374.3

“The aim of the managers of the institution has been to gather together in one place and under favorable conditions, all the new methods and appliances for the treatment of the sick which are recognized in rational medicine, and to utilize those methods in a conscientious and intelligent manner. GSAM 374.4