The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Prediction of Success to the North

“And yet a national fast is proclaimed! Saith the Lord, ‘Is not this the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?’ When our nation observes the fast which God hath chosen, then will he accept their prayers as far as the war is concerned; but now they enter not into his ear.” GSAM 341.2

Those who are familiar with the history of the war are aware of the defeats, disasters, delays, etc., connected with the efforts of the North to conquer the Southern forces up to the time the emancipation proclamation was made—Jan. 1, 1863. Then how rapid were the conquests from that time to the close of the war! How evident, to those who were watching the progress of the work, was the fulfillment of that prediction of Jan. 4, 1862. After the burdens were lifted, the bondage was loosened and the yoke broken from the slave! How evident that God heard the prayers of his people, and favored the effort to close the war when they chose the fast pleasing to him! GSAM 341.3