The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Another Confirmation of the Vision

As to the prediction concerning the men in the Parkville meeting-house losing sons in the war, I will simply state that in the autumn of 1883 I met the elder of the Parkville church, who was also the elder in January, 1861, when the vision was given; and asked him if he remembered the expression made by Mrs. White in relating the vision concerning the war. “Yes,” said he, “I do.” “Will you tell me how many you know who were in the house that day who lost sons in the war?” He at once recalled the names of five, and said, “I know these were there, and that they lost sons in the war; and if I were at home, where I could talk with my people, I could give you more names. I think,” he continued, “there were five more, besides these that I have mentioned.” GSAM 340.1

Four years and more of persistent fighting on the part of the South, until nearly half of all the mustered forces were lost by death in battle or from sickness, shows a striking fulfillment of the above prediction. GSAM 340.2