The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Mrs. White’s Affliction

Here again was a prophecy of what would transpire. The sequel will show how accurately it was fulfilled. The first Sabbath after the Rochester meeting we were at Roosevelt, and the next Sabbath in Brookfield, Madison County. The week following we held meetings in the commodious kitchen of Mr. Ballou, at Mannsville, Jefferson County. While journeying by train from Brookfield to Mansville, Mrs. White’s face became inflamed just under the eyes. This was so painful that by the time we reached Mansville she was obliged to take her bed. The inflammation increased for two days, depriving her of sleep, as well as preventing her from taking any part in the meetings. Her head was swollen so that both eyes were closed, and her face was so disfigured that it no longer looked like that of a human being. Amid all this racking pain, and extreme nervousness, caused by loss of sleep, the enemy was striving hard to cause her to murmur against God. Thus things continued to the close of the appointed meetings. GSAM 336.1

After the meetings had closed Elder White said to me, “Brother John, this is the very attack of Satan upon my wife of which we were warned in Rochester. You remember the promise was there made that if we would take hold together and hold her up by faith, not letting go for a moment when the struggle came, the power of the enemy would be broken, and she would be delivered. Let us go in at once and have a praying season.” GSAM 336.2