The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Remarkable Physical Manifestation

A peculiar physical manifestation was connected with this vision, to which we call special attention. Elder White and myself were sitting at one side of the bed, and Elder Andrews at the other side. Her hands were alternately clasped over her breast or moved with her arms in her usual free and graceful manner toward the different scenes she was viewing. The upper portion of her body was raised from the bed, so that there was a space of some eight or nine inches between her shoulders and the pillow. In other words, the body from the hips upward was flexed at an angle of about thirty degrees. And in that position she remained during the continuance of the vision, which was thirty minutes. No one could naturally assume that posture, unsupported by hands and arms, much less hold himself there for that length of time. Here again was proof that some power over which she had no control was connected with the vision. GSAM 335.1