The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Effect on the Advent Cause

At this time there existed a greater state of harmony and unity among our people than ever before; and as efforts were made to push out with the message, the way opened in every direction. GSAM 326.2

In No. 10, Vol. XI, of the Review, Jan. 14, 1858, the editor, in speaking of the result of the Messenger work, said: “At the time of the disaffection, when the effort was made to break down the Review, the church property at the office was valued at only $700. Since then it has increased to $5,000. Then there were about one thousand paying subscribers, now there are two thousand, besides quite a ‘free’ list.” GSAM 326.3

As we had now reached the time (1858) when the “Messenger party” split and scattered, and the Messenger ceased to exist, the above figures are significant. As the number of paying subscribers to the Review had exactly doubled, so the number of believers had more than doubled. Thus the prediction made through Mrs. White in June, 1855, was fulfilled. GSAM 326.4