The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The Words Uttered as Predicted

As Mrs. White bore her testimony, there was an anxious looking toward Mrs. Alcott, the woman reproved, to see how she received what was said, and what she was going to do and say. Had she been innocent of the charge made against her, it would naturally be expected of her to rise up and deny the whole thing. If guilty, and grossly corrupt, she might be none too good to deny it all, even though she knew it to be true. Instead of this, she did just what the testimony said she would do when reproved. She slowly rose to her feet, while every eye was fixed upon her, and putting on a sanctimonious look, slowly said, “The-Lord-knows-my-heart,” and sat down without uttering another word. She had said just what the testimony said she would say, and said it in the same manner. GSAM 324.2