The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Vision on the Course of an Absent Member

After Mrs. White came out of this vision, she bore testimony as to what she had seen. Before the return of Elder White and his wife from their eastern journey, one of our number had left the city, and was traveling on business in the State of Michigan. He was not, therefore, present at this meeting, and had never seen Elder White or his wife. In relating her vision, Mrs. White told us, among other things, what she saw concerning a man who, while he was traveling and away from home, had much to say about the law of God and the Sabbath, but was at the same time breaking one of the commandments. She said he was a person whom she had never met, yet she believed she would see him sometime, as his case had been unfolded to her. Not one of our number, however, supposed him to be any one with whom we were acquainted. GSAM 319.1

About six weeks from the time of the above vision, the brother previously mentioned returned from Michigan. As soon as Mrs. White looked upon his countenance, she said to one of the sisters, “That is the man I saw in the vision, of whom I told you.” The vision being related to this brother, in the presence of his wife and several other persons, Mrs. White said to him, “As Nathan said to David, ‘Thou art the man.’ ” He then did just what Paul said some persons would do when reproved for their sins by the gift of prophecy: “But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.” 3 After listening to the rehearsal of his wrong-doings by Mrs. White, this brother dropped upon his knees before his wife, and with tears said to her, and to the few present, “God is with you of a truth,” and then made a full confession of his course while in Michigan, in violating the seventh commandment, as revealed at the time of its occurrence, over five hundred miles away. GSAM 319.2

Thus a few weeks’ time gave us a strong confirmation of the testimonies. Not only were we led to say that they were produced by some supernatural power, but that they were from a source which in no uncertain terms reproved men for sin. GSAM 320.1