The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Oswald Stowell Healed

One Friday evening in October, Elder White and his wife arrived home from their eastern tour. The next day (Sabbath) we saw them for the first time, in the Sabbath meeting. At the time of this meeting Oswald Stowell, the pressman, was suffering from a very severe attack of pleurisy, and had been given up by his physician to die. The doctor said he could “do nothing for him.” During the service Oswald was in an adjoining room, and in great physical agony. At the close of the meeting he sent in a request that prayers be offered for him. With others I was invited to engage in a season of prayer. We bowed by his bedside, and while prayers were being offered, Elder White anointed him with oil “in the name of the Lord.” There was a sensible presence of the Spirit of God, and he was instantly healed. When we arose from prayer he was sitting up in bed, striking his sides, which before had been so painful, and saying, “I am fully healed. I shall be able to work the hand-press tomorrow.” Two days after this he did work it. GSAM 318.1