The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


“Testimony” of Nov. 18, 1848

While those claiming that this stir among the nations in 1848 was to usher in the coming of the Lord, met with a sad disappointment, how was it with Seventh-day Adventists who claimed that the time had now come for the “seal of the living God” to be presented to the people? In reply we quote from a tract published by Elder Joseph Bates in the month of January, 1849. In speaking of a circumstance that occurred Nov. 18, 1848, he says:— GSAM 273.1

“A small company of brethren and sisters were assembled in a meeting in Dorchester, near Boston, Mass. Before the meeting commenced, some of us were examining some of the points in the sealing message; some difference of opinion existed about the correctness of the view of the word ‘ascending,’ etc., and whereas we had made the publishing of the message a subject of prayer at the Topsham [Maine] conference a little previous, and the way to publish appeared not sufficiently clear, we therefore resolved unitedly to refer it all to God. After some time spent in earnest prayer for light and instruction, God gave Sister White the following in vision.” We quote the words as they were spoken by her while in vision:— GSAM 273.2