The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Pioneers Endure Hardness

Elder White, in the The Review and Herald, February 5, 1880, when speaking of those pioneer days, said:— GSAM 270.2

“In our early labors we have suffered hunger for want of proper food, and cold for want of proper clothing. We deprived ourselves of even the necessaries of life to save money for the cause of God. While at the same time we were wearing ourselves fearfully in order to accomplish the great amount of work that seemed necessary to be done in writing, editing, traveling, and preaching from State to State.” GSAM 270.3

The year 1848 was memorable, not only in the advent history, but politically. The truths of the third angel’s message were very well defined, and the way was opening in different directions for the advancement of the work. At this time events in the moral and political world were assuming a shape calculated to arouse anew the attention of the students of prophecy. Not only was there great confusion among the nations of the Old World, but at Hydesville, Wayne Co., N.Y., began the manifestations of modern Spiritualism, which Bible students said must be the “spirits of devils, which are to gather the nations of the earth to the battle of the day of the Lord.” GSAM 270.4