The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Prophecy Fulfilled

In the study of prophecy there are certain facts that should ever be kept in mind: God, who is infallible, is the author of prophecy, and when the time comes for the fulfillment of a prediction, the very event predicted will occur. Again, as the Lord, who has power to foresee just what men will do, specifies a time when a thing will transpire, when that time comes, a true fulfillment of the prophecy is met. In other words, a false fulfillment of prophecy in the specified time for the true, is an impossibility. In harmony with this axiom, we may say, when the Lord’s time comes for his message of truth to be given to the world, the message makes its appearance every time. GSAM 30.2

At one time, when the writer had given a discourse on the fulfillment of prophecy, an infidel who was present came forward and said, “I must congratulate you interpreters of prophecy as being very fortunate. In your study of history, you seem so readily to find that which exactly fits the prophecy.” “Yes,” was our reply, “it fits because it was made to fit. If you should go to a glove store to buy a pair of gloves, would you not expect to find those that would fit your hand?” He replied, “Of course I would, because they were made to fit.” “So,” said the writer, “that God who knew just what men would do, made the predictions concerning them, and when those men come upon the stage of action, and do the very things he predicted, the true historian makes a record of their actions, which, compared with the prediction, are an exact fit.” GSAM 30.3