The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Joseph Bates Accepts the Sabbath

His experience was on this wise: Hearing of the company in Washington, N.H., that were keeping the Sabbath, he concluded to visit that church, and see what it meant. He accordingly did so, and on studying the subject with them he saw they were correct, and at once accepted the light on the Sabbath question. On returning to New Bedford, Mass., he met, on the bridge between New GSAM 250.4

Bedford and Fair Haven, a prominent brother, who accosted him thus, “Captain Bates, what is the news?” Elder Bates replied, “The news is that the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord our God.” “Well,” said the man, “I will go home and read my Bible, and see about that.” So he did, and when next they met, this brother had accepted the Sabbath truth and was obeying it. GSAM 251.1