The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


First Work was among Advent Believers

The work of Miss Harmon, under the guidance of the prophetic gift, from January, 1845, to the spring of 1846, almost eighteen months, was with the “believers” in Christ’s near coming, with whom she had previously associated. After the close of the twenty-three hundred days (Oct. 22, 1844), until the cause of their disappointment and the nature of the event that then occurred should be understood, there would be danger of the believers’ drifting into erroneous views, or of giving up entirely their past experience. Her message was to such: “The past movement was of God. Hold fast your faith. The Lord has still a work for his people. Study the Bible. Search the word, and you will find the light.” GSAM 245.3

This instruction is in harmony with the Lord’s plan. His purpose has ever been that his special messages for his people should, in their time, be brought forth from his word, and then the gift of prophecy comes in “secondarily,” to confirm and build up the believers. GSAM 245.4

A striking illustration of this fact is found in the case of Cornelius as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. An angel of God appeared to him and gave him a vision in his own house. That angel well knew the truths of the gospel, and could have taught it to Cornelius, but he was sent to minister to one who was an heir of salvation in giving Cornelius a vision. He assured him that his devotions and consecration were accepted by the Lord. He did not preach the gospel to him, but simply told him to call for Peter, who was lodging with Simon the tanner, at Joppa. Peter came, and from the Scriptures proclaimed to Cornelius the gospel of Christ. GSAM 246.1