The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Miss Harmon’s Marriage

August 30, 1846, Miss E. G. Harmon and Elder James White were united in marriage, and together they labored for the advancement of the message. During the year 1847 their labors were mostly confined to Maine and Massachusetts. GSAM 244.1

The first Sabbath in April, there was given to Mrs. White a most interesting view, at the home of Stockbridge Howland, Topsham, where the meetings were then usually held. This vision is the one mentioned in Early Writings, where she had a view of the sanctuary and its furniture, the time of trouble, the saints fleeing from the cities, the wicked surrounding them, their deliverance at the voice of God, the jubilee, the Lord’s coming in the cloudy chariot, etc. It may be well to notice some of her movements while in this vision. GSAM 244.2