The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Mrs. Truesdail’s Testimony

Another statement respecting this same vision is from Mrs. M. C. Truesdail, of Trenton, Mo., dated Jan. 27, 1891. She says:— GSAM 238.2

“I was fifteen years old in 1845, and was present at the time of Sister Harmon’s first visit to Topsham, when she had the vision at the house of Brother Curtiss, where she took up the great family Bible and held it up in a position in which none of the others could hold a book on the hands without its slipping off at once. GSAM 238.3

“Sister Harmon was in vision over two hours. It was the most wonderful manifestation of the power of God I ever witnessed, and I have seen her in vision more than one dozen times. These were always occasions of deep solemnity and self-examination, but this exceeded them all. O! how we trembled as the Majesty of heaven instructed us through his feeble instrument; as she read to us passages so comforting and appropriate in our trying position; such as Hebrews 2:2, 3; James 5:7, 8; Hebrews 10:35, 39; 1 Peter 1:7; Luke 12:32-37, besides many others, holding the large family Bible so high that I was obliged to stand on a chair to read where she was pointing. I do not think Sister Harmon was over two inches the taller.” GSAM 238.4

Such manifestations convinced the candid that some power more than human was controlling the humble instrument, and calls come from various parts of New England for her to come and deliver her testimony. GSAM 239.1