The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Another False Revivalist in Oswego, N.Y

As a further illustration of the principle set forth in the above testimony, and to show how Elder White and his wife still labored in 1849-50 for the conversion of sinners, we give the following facts, which were related to me by Elias Goodwin and others of the early members of the church in Oswego, State of New York:— GSAM 230.1

There was then (1849) residing in the place a young man by the name of Hiram Patch. He was betrothed to a young lady to whom he was soon afterward married. They were unconverted persons, but were attending the meeting held by Elder White and his wife, and were almost persuaded to become Christians. At this time a revival was started in one of the churches in Oswego, not by the ministry, but by a prominent lay member, a treasurer of the county funds. This man appeared very zealous, and professed to have a great burden for sinners. He would wring his hands as he prayed for the unconverted, being apparently in the greatest distress because of their lost condition. GSAM 230.2

Mr. Patch and his affianced went to these revival meetings, and were in doubt how to decide. They were present on one occasion when Mrs. White had a vision in which she was pointed to Hosea 5:6, 7, which reads, “They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the Lord; but they shall not find him; he hath withdrawn himself from them. They have dealt treacherously against the Lord; for they have begotten strange children: now shall a month devour them with their portions.” She was shown that those who were conducting this revival were not right with God, and that they had no real burden of soul for sinners. GSAM 230.3