The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


No Contradiction

As there are those who are very zealous in trying to prove that Mrs. White once taught the theory of “no more mercy for sinners,” but now teaches the contrary, I will present testimonials from those acquainted with her work from 1845, respecting her labors for the conversion of sinners. The following is a statement from Ira Abbey, of Brookfield, Madison County, State of New York:— GSAM 223.1

“Between the years 1846 and 1850, Brother and Sister White came to our house, and were very zealous for the children and those that had not rejected the truth. They labored for unconverted souls, and never do I remember of hearing Sister White say that there was no hope of the backsliders and those that had not rejected the truth.” 19 GSAM 223.2