The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Miss Harmon’s First Vision

At the time she had her first vision she was staying at the home of Mrs. Haines. It was in the morning, and they were engaged in family worship. There were five persons present, all sisters in the faith. Others had prayed, and Miss Harmon was praying in a whisper, when the power of God came down in a most wonderful manner, manifestly affecting all who were present, and in a moment she was lost to all that was transpiring around her—she was in vision. GSAM 202.3

In the next meeting she related to the believers in Portland what had been shown her. They had full confidence that it was from the Lord. There were about sixty at that time in Portland who indorsed it as the work of the Lord. There was a power that attended the vision, as well as the relation of it, that could emanate only from the Divine. A solemn sense of eternal interests was constantly upon her, and she seemed to be filled with an unspeakable awe that one so young and feeble as she should be chosen as an instrument through whom the Lord would communicate light to his people. She stated that while in the vision she seemed to be surrounded by radiant angels in the glorious courts of heaven, where all is joy and peace, and that it was a sad change to awaken to the unsatisfying realities of this mortal life. GSAM 202.4