The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Gifts of the Spirit During the Reformation

There were some wonderful displays of the Lord’s power and manifestations of the gift of prophecy during the Reformation of the sixteen century, and in the times following. D'Aubigné speaks of the prophecies of John Huss. Charles Buck, in his Religious Anecdotes, tells of the prophesying of George Wishart, in 1546. John Wesley, in his works, tells of the prophecies of Jonathan Pyrah, and their fulfillment. Elder J. B. Finley, in his autobiography, tells of a remarkable vision and healing in his own person, in the summer of 1842. The Christian Advocate (Methodist) published an interesting account of a remarkable vision and its results, as given to Doctor Bond, of that church, during his ministry. These were tokens to those humbly seeking the Lord, that he had not changed, and that he still would speak to his people through the prophetic gift. GSAM 199.5