The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Prejudice Barred Access to the People

The existing prejudice against the advent doctrine was an almost impassable barrier to the people; and to try to teach them again without clear and positive light as to the cause of the disappointment, would be useless. The Adventist believers themselves needed to have their own souls inspired anew with a heavenly commission, before the people could be correctly taught; and how could this be accomplished? Could it be done by merely human wisdom? or would those who had experienced the deep work of the Spirit of God under the late movement, be satisfied with simply human reasoning? Nothing but a work like that of the “third angel’s message” 22 could lift them out of their perplexities; and this, step by step, as they could receive it, was duly inaugurated, bearing most convincing proofs that it was of heavenly origin. GSAM 195.1