The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The Mob Spirit Manifest

“A brother who had labored very successfully in this region, in proclaiming the coming of the Lord, made an appointment to lecture at a certain place at a given time. The Lord so ordered it that he was sixteen miles from the appointment, but a minister was present, at the head of a mob, with tar and feathers, for the purpose of applying them to that servant of the Most High God. This same minister commenced a protracted meeting soon after, but all was as cold and icy as the glacier of the North—no souls awakened or converted. At length the minister said he believed he should ‘have to take the anxious seat.’ GSAM 176.5

“A class-leader in this village said to his class since we have been holding meetings here, that if any man should come into his house and say he believed Christ would come this year, he would turn him out of doors.” GSAM 177.1