The Home Missionary, vol. 5

November 1893

“Health Reform by Faith” The Home Missionary, 5, 10, pp. 229-231.


THE following is a report of a talk on health reform given by Elder A. T. Jones, at the Lansing camp-meeting. In future numbers we shall have other talks, taking up breathing, eating, etc., more in detail. Elder Jones’s talks on this subject have been a means of great blessing in various camp-meetings and worker’s meetings, and we are glad to give our readers the benefit of some of these things:— HOMI November 1893, page 229.1

The Lord has told us in 3 John, second verse, “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health.” Now that is an important wish. And the Lord wishes to what extent?—“Above all things.” Does he wish above all things that you should be in health? He says so, surely. Well, then, is it not a shame for a Seventh-day Adventist to be sickly and pale and lean? HOMI November 1893, page 229.2

But he has given a comparison. “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” Has not the Lord given directions, prescriptions abundant, that our souls may prosper? Any one who will follow the directions of the Bible as to his soul, his spiritual nature will not be lacking in anything. Will he not be constantly growing and prospering spiritually, in the Christian life and in the knowledge of God?—Certainly he will. It is impossible that it should be otherwise. HOMI November 1893, page 229.3

But the Lord has given prescriptions also which, if people will follow, will cause them to grow and prosper in health and in strength, just as he intends that our souls shall do. And he intends to have, and he is going to have his people to be the fairest, healthiest, best-looking people on the earth. And when other people are dying by the thousands, when other people are carried away by disease, and are suffering all kinds of evils in this respect, he intends that his people shall be in perfect health, and not troubled at all. And when Seventh-day Adventists reach that place where they will apply the principles of health reform which God has given us, as the Lord intends, we shall see results which have not yet been seen in many cases. Those who are looking for the coming of the Lord, those who are believing the message as it is, will apply the health-reform principles as they apply the principles that are given for our souls’ sakes; and those who do not apply the principles which God has given to cultivate our spiritual nature, and do not apply them as God has given them, will not apply the health reform as God has given it. HOMI November 1893, page 229.4

Health reform, as such, is to be practiced by faith in Christ. And when our people get to that place where they will live health reform by faith in Christ, then they will live righteousness by faith in Christ. Any one who does not live righteousness by faith in Christ, cannot live health reform as God has given it. One is just as really a matter of faith as the other. Did not God give it? Has he not prescribed it? Is he not the source of it? Does he not intend to be not only the author but the finisher of it? Then is it not of faith? Read Romans, fourteenth chapter, and note especially the last verse, and the last words of that verse,—“Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” And this is spoken of eating and drinking, too. Well, let us get hold of it that way, and apply it that way, and then that will bring in a better practice of health reform among us. HOMI November 1893, page 229.5

Another thing: The only way I can apply the righteousness which is by faith of Christ, and these truths that belong to our spiritual nature, is to apply them in my own life according to my own individual experience. So likewise the principles of health reform. I am to believe and apply as God has given them, according to my own individual experience and needs, guided by the Spirit of God. HOMI November 1893, page 229.6

Now among us there has been too much regulating other people’s faith, and other people’s conduct in spiritual things. But that is being put aside now, and left entirely behind, thank the Lord. There has likewise been too much regulating other people’s practice in health reform; each one looking at somebody else, first setting up for himself a cast-iron rule, and then binding that about with steel bands besides, and then fitting it onto everybody else, and if they would not wear it, condemning them for not being health reformers. They would not have been health reformers if they had worn it. That is the surest way not to be health reformers. All this, too, will now be left behind by those who believe the message. HOMI November 1893, page 229.7

And when this is done, we shall see the Lord’s people standing where he intended long ago they should stand, in health and in prosperity, both spiritually and physically. He has given this that we may be prepared by his direction to pass safely through the time of the plagues which are about to fall, when the very air itself will be sick; it is to prepare us to pass through that, and to be translated. HOMI November 1893, page 229.8

Now I ask another question, Can a man neglect the work which God has given for his spiritual nature, and prosper spiritually? Can he do that and be healthy spiritually? Can he do that and grow and prosper in the knowledge of the Lord?—No, you know he will be weak; he will be wavering, and he will degenerate, he will get cold and indifferent and backslidden. And on the other hand, I also ask, Can a man slight the directions which God has given in this matter of health reform and have good health?—Of course he cannot. HOMI November 1893, page 229.9

If a man will follow the directions which God has given for his spiritual nature, as God has given them, he cannot do anything else than prosper spiritually. He cannot backslide; he cannot get cold; he cannot stand still. He is growing every day in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. So, also, if a man will apply the principles of health reform as God has given them, can he be sickly?—No, sir; I say he cannot be sickly. As I said awhile ago, it is a disgrace for a Seventh-day Adventist to be sickly. The Lord promised his people long ago that if they would do what he told them in this respect, as in others, he would take away from them all sickness, and that is spoken to us, and it means us, and he is going to do it, thank the Lord. And those who do not love the third angel’s message, and those who love their own ways, will get sick, of course, because they will worship the beast and his image, and the plagues will affect them. HOMI November 1893, page 230.1

Also the Lord told us among the first printed testimonies that were ever given on the matter of health reform, that health reform “is an individual matter.” Now you treat it so will you? You need not require everybody else to live exactly as you do, and eat just what you eat, in order to be health reformers; because if they did, they would not be health reformers. HOMI November 1893, page 230.2

Now just a few words upon that. If all men were now as God made them at the start, all things that God has prescribed that are good to eat, would be equally good for all people to eat. If all men were now as God made them at the start, all that he has said is good for man to eat, would be equally good for all people, and all people could live on the same things. But mankind are not that way; we are a long way from where God made us. We are nearly six thousand years in distance from where he made us, and further than that in degeneracy. Every person has defects that he is not responsible for at all, that come from away back. Our fathers, generation after generation, practicing evil things, and going contrary to God’s way in all things, have visited upon us and extended to us weaknesses, and many things of this kind that make each one not like anybody else on the earth; and entails defects upon him that are not in other people. HOMI November 1893, page 230.3

Well then, in these circumstances all things that the Lord says are good to eat are not equally good for all people. Now that is a fact. Don’t you know that some people enjoy and fatten on things that you cannot eat at all, yet that are good? Of course there are many people who live on things that are not fit to eat; but we are talking about health reform now. You know that there are some people who can eat things that you cannot eat at all, and things that are good for them, too. Now would it not be just as sensible for them to say that you are not a health reformer because you cannot live on what they live on? That is none of their business. You find out what is good for you, and let the other man find out what is good for him, and then each of you enjoy it, and be health reformers together. HOMI November 1893, page 230.4

But health reform is not all in eating. A man can live a good while without eating; he can live weeks. He can live several days without drinking anything at all. He cannot live minutes without breathing. The first thing a person does in this world is to breathe, and the last thing he does is to stop breathing; and all the way between he is breathing, and he cannot live minutes without it; whereas he can live days without drinking, and weeks without eating. And if [sic.] is hardly too much to say that proper breathing is the most important part of health reform. But that is hardly ever thought of by nine tenths of Seventh-day Adventists. It [sic.] we breathe properly, having eaten that which is good, we shall have good blood all the time. HOMI November 1893, page 230.5

The Lord has given each person in this world lung capacity enough to keep all the blood in that person pure enough for all purposes; but if he does not use the lung capacity that God has given him, he cannot have his blood as pure as it ought to be, and consequently he will not have as good health as he ought to have. If I use only half of my lung capacity, will I have as pure blood as if I used it all?—Of course not. If I use only the top of my lungs, only the upper part of them, and the lower part use not at all, can I have as pure blood, even though I eat pure victuals, as I ought to have, and as God made me to have?—Plainly not. HOMI November 1893, page 231.1

So if you only use the top of your lungs, and breathe this way [raising the shoulders and upper part of the chest] you may live all the health reform you please, so far as eating is concerned, and you cannot have good health; because you are not living health reform indeed. And if you bind yourself about the waist [compressing it tightly], you cannot breathe with any other part of your lungs than the top of them. HOMI November 1893, page 231.2

Then do you see what you are doing when you bind yourselves about like that? You are robbing yourself of the use of the lung capacity that God has given you, to keep your blood pure, and he has not given you any too much. You are robbed of that, and until you give yourself freedom, and learn to breathe, you cannot have as pure blood as you ought to have, even though you eat good victuals. HOMI November 1893, page 231.3

So I say, when we live health reform as God has prescribed it, we shall be all right; we shall be fair of skin and healthy of flesh, and strong to work, and we can work right straight along. God has not given health reform for nothing. Practice it as he gave it; find out what he says, and practice it in all things; then it will work well in all things. HOMI November 1893, page 231.4

But bear in mind that the lungs are not made to breathe with; they are not to do the work in breathing; that is not what they are for. The abdominal muscles are made to breathe with; these are to do the work while the lungs remain passive, and if you do not use these muscles, you do not breathe right. That is all I can say on that now. HOMI November 1893, page 231.5

Well, then, you must eat good victuals in order to have good blood to start with; then you must breathe right in order to keep the blood good. Because if we eat victuals that are not good, and that cannot make good blood, it is impossible for all the lung capacity to make that blood pure, or to keep it pure. Therefore the Lord has told us what is good to eat. Now I will give you a rule; it is simple enough, I do not think you will have to write it down in in [sic.] order to remember it, one by which every one here can be a health reformer continually, when he breathes right. HOMI November 1893, page 231.6

Here is the rule: Find out what God says is good to eat; that is the first thing. Find out all that he says is good to eat. Then find out in that list what is good for you to eat. Then see that it is well cooked. Then thank the Lord for it, eat it with a glad heart. And THEN LET IT ALONE. Breathe right, and you will have no difficulty. Let each one do that, and then, you see, it is none of your business whether somebody else eats what you eat or not; he is eating what is good for him, just as you are eating what is good for you. It is an individual matter, and all will be health reformers together. HOMI November 1893, page 231.7

Now that is not saying that what each one thinks is good for him, because it tastes well, is to be eaten. That is not it. Find out what God says is good, and then find out from this what is good for you. Cook it right, and then eat it when you have thanked the Lord for it. And there is just as much importance in letting it alone after you have eaten it, as there is in any of the other points. HOMI November 1893, page 231.8

[Question by one in the audience: What do you mean by letting it alone?] HOMI November 1893, page 231.9

Well, it is this: The not letting it alone begins before you eat it. There is something on the table, and you would like to eat some of it. Or it may not be on the table yet and you say, “If I thought that would not hurt me, I would cook some of it for dinner;” and then you finally decide that perhaps it will not hurt you, and you cook some of it. When it is on the table you say, “I am afraid that will hurt me if I eat it; but if I thought it would not hurt me, I would eat it.” And finally you conclude perhaps it will not hurt you if you eat some of it; and so you do. And then you begin to query, “Now I wonder, I wonder whether that will hurt me; I wonder whether that will digest just right or not; I really feel as though that was not going to agree with me.” That is what it is to not let it alone. HOMI November 1893, page 231.10

And I say that all this is none of your business. Be sure that it is good, and good for you, and when you have eaten it, let it alone. Of course it will not digest right when you are bothering it all the time, and keeping it from digesting. Let it alone. Having thanked the Lord for it, and asked his blessing upon it, believe that his blessing is upon it. Why do we ask the Lord to bless our food and bless it to its intended use, and then not believe that he does it? Where is the faith in that? That is not health reform. Let us quit it. HOMI November 1893, page 231.11


“The ‘Close Combat’” The Home Missionary, 5 Extra, pp. 1-10.


A sermon Delivered by Elder A. T. Jones, at the Camp-meeting in Lansing, Mich., Sept. 29, 1893

We are to study this morning where we are, and what we are to do. And in order to see this more plainly it will be well to take a glance at the question of where we have been, and what we have had to do, nnto [sic.] this time. Seeing that anew, we can better understand where we now are and what is now to be done. The message which made us all what we are, is that message which says: “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out with mixture into the cup of his indignation;” and the corresponding text: “Saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” HOMI November 1893, page 1.1

That is the message that made us what we are, and brought us where we are to-day. “Early Writings” mentions it on page 117:— HOMI November 1893, page 1.2

“This message was designed to put the children of God upon their guard by showing them the hour of temptation and anguish that was before them.” HOMI November 1893, page 1.3

We have seen that, haven’t we? We have been brought to view the hour of temptation in the scriptures that are for us now, and we are now in the hour of watching preparatory to the hour of temptation, and the loud cry of the third angel’s message is now going to the world to prepare a people for the hour of temptation which we are soon to meet. HOMI November 1893, page 1.4

So I read this sentence again and the New Testament one with it:— HOMI November 1893, page 1.5

“This message was designed to put the children of God upon their guard by showing them the hour of temptation and anguish before them. Said the angel, ‘They will be brought into close combat with the beast and his image.’” HOMI November 1893, page 1.6

Brought into what?—They will be brought into close combat with the beast and his image. In the terms which men use, the expression, a close conflict, a close combat, in other words, suggests a hand-to-hand conflict, that is, the closest kind; that is what is before us. Bronght [sic.] into close combat with the image and the beast is it?—No, that expression is never used in the Testimonies nor in the Bible. It does not say, “If any man worship the image and the beast,” it does say, “We are brought into close combat with the image and the beast,” does it? It is the beast and his image. The beast stands first all the time, doesn’t it? Brought into close combat with the beast and his image: “If any man worship the beast and his image.” I simply read that so far to call attention to that idea that the combat is to be close between the people who fear God and the beast and his image. HOMI November 1893, page 1.7

“Those who would not receive the mark of the beast when the decree goes forth must have decision now to say, Nay, we will not regard the institution of the beast.” HOMI November 1893, page 1.8

Do you see the difference? Those who would not receive the mark of the beast must have decision now to say, Nay, we will not regard the institution of the beast. Then we are to disregard the institution in order to escape the mark. And when the time comes to enforce the mark, those only will escape it who have disregarded the institution. That is the message we have, that is what has brought us here. HOMI November 1893, page 1.9

Now then, we have seen that thing coming a good while; I mean we have seen it. Of course we have said it was coming a long time, but that was said a long time before there was any sign, except the word of God, which said it was coming. But from the time when we could see the thing moving which would make this image of the beast, that has been a considerable time, and that started with what was known as the National Reform Association. That Association stood alone for a number of years in its purpose and its work to make an image of the beast, to make this a Christian nation, and so to set up Sunday as the national Sabbath. We had that Association alone to deal with, and we did deal with it to some extent,—not near so much as we ought to have done, of course; but we did to some extent. Some people thought we were rather severe with it sometimes when we did deal with it, but I think that they now hardly think that we dealt any too severely with it at that time. HOMI November 1893, page 2.1

Well, in 1887 the National Reform Association secured the alliance of other organizations to such an extent that the other organizations had the lead, and the weight of influence and of strength were in the other organizations instead of in the original one. While the National Reform Association stood alone, all its weight and all its influence were from itself alone, and we had to deal with it alone. When the National Prohibition Party and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union joined the National Reform Association, their influence and weight were greater than that of the original Association. Then we had these to deal with, and we did, and a great many thought we were too severe on them when we were dealing with them, but I do not know whether these now would think we dealt any too severely with them then. I do not think we ever did. HOMI November 1893, page 2.2

In 1888 that combination secured the alliance of another association, which had more weight and influence than this combination had altogether before this additional one was added. That was the American Sabbath Union. Its weight and its influence took the lead now of the whole combination as soon as it joined it, and with that we had next to deal. The others stood in the background as it were, and with this we had to deal direct. And so you know we dealt with the American Sabbath Union for two or three years, and some people thought we were too severe with the American Sabbath Union, but I do not suppose that they will now think that we were any too severe with them then. HOMI November 1893, page 2.3

Theu [sic.] in 1889 they joined hands with the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church did not take the lead at once, did not step up and do the part that she is doing to-day, and it was not for that purpose that she joined hands, and that they joined hands with her. What they joined hands with her for was that they might make to Congress the representation that it was the united Christian sentiment of the country, and not sectarianism, that called for national Sunday legislation. That is all it was for, and they did not intend, and Rome did not intend yet to assume the prominent place. All united to get Congress to take the step. Then when by this means Congress was added to the National Reform combination, all these others fell into the background, and Congress took the lead, and with Congress we had then to deal. HOMI November 1893, page 2.4

And now that Congress has done what the combination called for, has done what the Catholic Church wanted done all the time,—now she steps forth and takes the lead, and with her we have to deal from this time and forward. HOMI November 1893, page 2.5

Now do you see the situation? Each association, each department that arose, we had to deal with direct. As the successive ones joined the first one, we had those to deal with directly, and with the others only indirectly. And when Congress joined the combination, we had Congress to deal with directly, and all the rest only incidentally. Now then, that is all passed. We have the Catholic Church to deal with from this time forward directly, and all the rest only incidentally. The government of the United States itself takes second place now, and the Catholic Church stands forth predominant, and with her we have to deal. HOMI November 1893, page 2.6

Well, then, it has come to that, as we shall see a little more plainly presently; but now that it has come to that, you can see that there will be a closer combat, and it will mean more than anything which we have met before. It was comparatively a very easy thiug [sic.], and void of all danger of any kind, to deal with the National Reform Association, because they have no power. It was all simply in the field of argument and discussion. It was the same when the other combinations joined that; the same when the American Sabbath Union joined it, and the same when Congress joined it. But when Congress joined the combination, it put the power, not into Protestant hands, but into Catholic hands. Protestants securing the control of Congress did not put the power of the government of the United States into the hands of Protestants, but into the hands of the Catholic Church. So that when we have her to deal with, it is her in possession of power, and that means more than any discussion that we have yet carried on. HOMI November 1893, page 2.7

More than this, the testimony which came about a year ago, told us of his message of Revelation 18, “Another angel came down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory;” that he comes bearing no soft, smooth message, but one that is calculated to stir men’s hearts to their very depths. Now when men’s hearts are stirred to the very depths, then whatsoever is in the hearts is going to show itself. If it is wickedness and violence that is in the depth of the heart, it will show itself when it is stirred. If it is honesty and the love for truth, that will show itself. And we are now in the time when the message of God, preached as it is, will stir men’s hearts to their very depths; and if it strikes a wicked heart and stirs that to its very depths, then we may expect a wicked reply. You can see that. HOMI November 1893, page 2.8

Well, then this brings us to the point where the testimony says we are to come into close combat with the beast and his image. Now that you may see that I am not speaking unadvisedly on this thing when I say that it is with the Catholic Church we have to deal henceforth, and that the Protestants, instead of getting power into their hands, have put power into the hands of the Catholic Church, I read a passage:— HOMI November 1893, page 3.1

“I saw that the two-horned beast had a dragon’s mouth, and that his power was in his head.” HOMI November 1893, page 3.2

Now, then, the prophecy says that in the last days they will be heady, don’t it? One characteristic of the wickedness of the last days is that they will be heady. Well, Seventh-day Adventists want to be hearty, not heady. God wants hearty people; the devil is satisfied with heady people. “I saw that the two-horned beast had a dragon’s mouth, and that his power was in his head, and that the decree would go out of his mouth;” that is the decree we read of last night. The decree would go out of his mouth. HOMI November 1893, page 3.3

“Then the Catholics bid the Protestants to go forward and issue a decree that all who will not observe the first day of the week instead of the seventh shall be slain.” HOMI November 1893, page 3.4

At whose command is that decree issued?—That of the Catholic Church. Protestants are merely her tools, the instrument through which she works, and therefore when I say that we have the Catholic Church to deal with from this time forward, I do not mean the Catholic Church independently of Protestantism, but the Catholic Church using Protestantism, and through it we have to deal with her. She is the motive power, she is moving the wires, she is pulling the strings. In fact she has been doing this already until she got this power in her hands, and now she will do it more than ever, and she is even now doing it more than ever. I read on:— HOMI November 1893, page 3.5

“Then the Catholics bid the Protestants to go forward and issue a decree that all who will not observe the first day of the week instead of the seventh shall be slain, and the Catholics whose numbers are large will stand by the Protestants. The Catholics will give their power to the image of the beast, and the Protestants will work as their Mother worked before them, to destroy the saints.” HOMI November 1893, page 3.6

His power was where?—In his head. Then what is the head of the image of the beast? His power was in his head, and the Catholics give their power to the image of the beast, and the Protestants will work as their Mother worked before them to destroy the saints. The power was in his head, and the decree goes out of his mouth. Do you see the point? The papacy is the head, Protestantism is the mouth, and she speaks her decree through Protestantism. It is the beast that is speaking. HOMI November 1893, page 3.7

“But before their decree bring forth or bear fruit, the saints will be delivered by the voice of God.” HOMI November 1893, page 3.8

Good. I simply read that that you may know that I am not speaking without authority when I say to you that with the Catholic Church we are to deal from this time forward. Not only we, but all the other people. I think I said to the people on the Lansing camp-ground last year—to the people who keep Sunday—that, from that time forward, they would have to render an account to Rome as to how they kept Sunday and why. Did I? I have said it in other places; I do not know whether I said it here or not. Did any of you heart it? [Voices: Yes sir.] Very good. I have been telling it everywhere, that the people who keep Sunday, from this time forward will have to render an account to the Catholic Church as to how they keep it and why they keep it. And now she herself is calling upon them to render that account. So that it is the literal truth that we and the others,—people who keep Sunday, and people who keep Sabbath—have Rome to deal with. Now I want you to see that she knows this too, that she has this in her mind now, and is already talking about us. When it comes to that point, that the Catholic Church takes up Seventh-day Adventists and talks of us, and sets forth our doctrines, that gives us to understand that she knows where we are. And when she goes on and deals with Protestants, and calls upon them for their authority for keeping Sunday, then it is time also for them to understand that she has them in her eye, too. HOMI November 1893, page 3.9

The Catholic Mirror, published in Baltimore, is Cardinal Gibbons’s official organ. It is the mouthpiece of the papacy in the United States. The official documents are printed there. The pope’s official communications with the Cardinal and to the Catholic people are published through that paper. That paper, in its issues of Sept. 2, 9, 16, and 23, has four editorial articles; that is, official statements in the Cardinal’s own organ, upon Protestants and Seventh-day Adventists—the Protestants for keeping Sunday, and the Seventh-day Adventists for keeping the Sabbath. I will read the first one. I have read all four of all the rest. You can get them all later, but what I will read you is in this. The articles, all four of them, are printed under the one heading. It is entitled, “The Christian Sabbath.” And the sub-head to it is this:— HOMI November 1893, page 3.10

“The Genuine Offspring of the Union of the Holy Spirit, and the Catholic Church, His Spouse. The Claims of Protestantism to any part Therein Proved to be Groundless, Self-Contradictory, and Suicidal.” 1 HOMI November 1893, page 3.11

That is to say, the Christian Sabbath, using that for Sunday all the time, is the genuine offspring of the union of the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Church. And that the claims of Protestantism to any part at all in Sunday observance is proved to be groundless, self-contradictory, and suicidal. Well, that is pretty plain to start with, isn’t it? She just simply says to all the Protestants: “Any claim that you make to any part at all in Sunday observance is groundless, self-contradictory, and suicidal. You are committing suicide when you claim it, and profess to stand upon ‘the Bible alone.’” That is pretty plain. She never talked so plainly before, did she, in this country? No, sir. And the reason of it is that now she knows she can afford to talk plainly, because she has all things in her own hands. I read:— HOMI November 1893, page 3.12

“Our attention has been called to the above subject in the past week by the receipt of a brochure of twenty one pages, published by the International Religions [sic.] Liberty Association.” HOMI November 1893, page 4.1

Published by what?—The International Religious Liberty Association. Do you know anything of it? Are you a member of it? [Voices: Yes, sir.] There are some here, of course, who are not. Don’t you wish you were? When the Catholic Church will take it up, and name it, don’t you wish you belonged to it? Then you better become members right away, to-day. If there is anybody here who is not a member of the International Religious Liberty Association, you would better become a member this very day! HOMI November 1893, page 4.2

This leaflet is entitled, “Appeal and Remonstrance.” Have you ever seen that? [Voices: Yes, sir.] Have you read it? [Voices: Yes, sir.] You see it has brought forth a response:— HOMI November 1893, page 4.3

“Embodying resolutions adopted by the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists, Feb. 24, 1893. The resolutions criticise and censure, with much acerbity, the action of the United States Congress, and of the Supreme Court, for invading the rights of the people by closing the World’s Fair on Sunday. HOMI November 1893, page 4.4

“The Adventists are the only body of Christians with the Bible as their teacher who can find no warrant in its pages for the change of day from the seventh to the first.” HOMI November 1893, page 4.5

Now I may say, before going any further, that she treats us perfectly square in all this; states the truth just as it is, and a good deal more fairly than any of the Protestants have ever stated our case. HOMI November 1893, page 4.6

“Hence, their appellation, ‘Seventh-day Adventists.’ Their cardinal principle consists in setting apart Saturday for the exclusive worship of God, in conformity with the positive command of God himself, repeatedly reiterated in the sacred books of the Old and New Testament, literally obeyed by the children of Israel for thousands of years to this day, and indorsed by the teaching and practice of the Son of God while on earth.” HOMI November 1893, page 4.7

That is a good foundation. And she knows it. HOMI November 1893, page 4.8

“On the contrary, the Protestants of the world, the Adventists excepted, with the same Bible as their cherished and sole infallible teacher, by their practice, since their appearance in the sixteenth century, with the time-honored practice of the Jewish people before their eyes, have rejected the day named for his worship by God, and assumed, in apparent contradiction of his command, a day for his worship never once referred to for that purpose, in the pages of that sacred volume. HOMI November 1893, page 4.9

“What Protestant pulpit does not ring almost every Sunday with loud and passionate invectives against Sunday violation? Who can forget the fanatical clamor of the Protestant ministers throughout the length and breadth of the land, against opening the gates of the World’s Fair on Sunday? Who can forget the thousands of petitions, signed by millions, to save the Lord’s day from desecration? Surely, such general and widespread excitement and noisy remonstrance, could not have existed without the strongest grounds for such animated protests. HOMI November 1893, page 4.10

“And when quarters were assigned at the World’s Fair to the various sects of Protestantism for the exhibition of articles, who can forget the emphatic expression of virtuous and conscientious indignation exhibited by our Presbyterian brethren, as soon as they learned of the decision of the Supreme Court not to interfere in the Sunday opening? The newspapers informed us that they flatly refused to utilize the space accorded them, or open their boxes, demanding the right to withdraw the articles, in rigid adherence to their principles, and thus decline all contact with the sacrilegious and Sabbath-breaking Exhibition. HOMI November 1893, page 4.11

“Doubtless, our Calvanistic [sic.] brethren deserved and shared the sympathy of all the other sects, who however, lost the opportunity of posing as martyrs in vindication of the Sabbath observance. HOMI November 1893, page 4.12

“They thus became ‘a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men,’ although their Protestant brethren, who failed to share the monopoly, were uncharitably and enviously disposed to attribute their steadfast adherence to religious principle, to Pharisaical pride, and dogged obstinacy. HOMI November 1893, page 4.13

“Our purpose in throwing off this article is to shed such light on this all-important question (for were the Sabbath question to be removed from the Protestant pulpit, the sects would feel lost, and the preachers be deprived of their ‘Cheshire cheese’), that our readers may be able to comprehend the question in all its bearings, and thus reach a clear conviction. HOMI November 1893, page 4.14

“The Christian world is, morally speaking, united on the question and practice of worshiping God on the first day of the week. HOMI November 1893, page 4.15

“The Israelites, scattered all over the earth, keep the last day of the week sacred to the worship of the Deity. In this particular the Seventh-day Adventists (a sect of Christians numerically few) have also selected the same day. HOMI November 1893, page 4.16

“The Israelites and Adventists both appeal to the Bible for the divine command, persistently obliging the strict observance of Saturday. HOMI November 1893, page 4.17

“The Israelite respects the authority of the Old Testament only, but the Adventist, who is a Christian, accepts the New Testament on the same grounds as the Old; viz., an inspired record also. He (that is, the Adventist) finds that the Bible, his teacher, is consistent in both parts (Old Testament and New); that the Redeemer during his mortal life, never kept any other day than Saturday. The gospels plainly evince to him this fact; while, in the pages of the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Apocalypse, not the vestige of an act canceling the Saturday arrangement, can be found. HOMI November 1893, page 4.18

“The Adventists, therefore, in common with the Israelite, derive their belief from the Old Testament, which position is confirmed by the New Testament, indorsing fully by the life and practice of the Redeemer and his apostles the teaching of the sacred word for nearly a century of the Christian era. HOMI November 1893, page 4.19

“Numerically considered, the Seventh-day Adventists form an insignificant portion of the Protestant population of the earth, but, as the question is not one of numbers, but of truth, fact, and right, a strict sense of justice forbids the condemnations of this little sect without a calm and unbiased investigation.” HOMI November 1893, page 4.20

And when she has held the “calm and unbiased investigation,” then what? Then what? “Let us not condemn without a calm and unbiased investigation.” Why condemn at all, even after a calm and unbiased investigation? You can see the line now that is laid out before them. They propose to nag the Protestants with this thing right straight along all the time until she gains her end, and then she will turn her attention to us. She tells them in the last words that she utters in this article, if there is any Protestant in the United States that wants to take up the advocacy of Sunday, she is ready for it, and would be glad to meet him in discussion, “but as their policy is to lay low, it is altogether likely that none of them will say the word”—that is the way she winds up this challenge. HOMI November 1893, page 5.1

If the Protestants do take it up, that will simply give the Catholics that much better opportunity to discuss it, and show their authority in the whole thing. If they do not take it up, then the Catholic Church will simply take advantage of their silence, and claim from their silence that they admit everything, and therefore, they are all Catholics. And when she gets them all under her authority that way, none of them daring to say anything against her, then she will call upon us to render an account why we do not keep Sunday. Do you see the plan? Then it will be that we shall come into active, close combat with the beast. Are you ready for it? HOMI November 1893, page 5.2

See here. I just want to call your attention to a thought. You can think of it all you please, and you will find opportunity to. We are up to the time when the gospel goes forth to save people form the ruin that is to come upon the nations. We know that. We are in the time that corresponds to that time when the early Christians were selling out preparatory to escape the ruin. Are we?—Yes, sir. And in that same time, while they were selling out and preparing for the ruin, they were persecuted, on this hand, and on that hand. They were arrested, and imprisoned, and scourged, and threatened to be killed. Then you see this, that the book of Acts is our book of present truth, our daily experience from this time forward. You study this book of Acts now, if you want to know what your experience is to be, if you are faithful to the this angel’s message. HOMI November 1893, page 5.3

“The Protestant world has been, from its infancy in the sixteenth century, in thorough accord with the Catholic Church.” HOMI November 1893, page 5.4

Hear that. HOMI November 1893, page 5.5

“The Protestant world has been, from its infancy in the sixteenth century, in thorough accord with the Catholic Church in keeping ‘holy’ not Saturday, but Sunday. The discussion of the grounds that led to this unanimity of sentiment and practice for over three hundred years, must help toward placing Protestantism on a solid basis in this particular, should the arguments in favor of its position overcome those furnished by the Israelites and Adventists, the Bible, the sole recognized teacher of both litigants, being the umpire and witness. If, however, on the other hand, the latter furnish arguments incontrovertible by the great mass of Protestants, both classes of litigants, appealing to their common teacher, the Bible, the great body of Protestants, so far from clamoring, as they do with vigorous pertinacity for the strict keeping of Sunday, have no other resource left than the admission that they have been teaching and practicing what is scripturally false for over three centuries, by adopting the teaching and practice of what they have always pretended to believe an apostate church, contrary to every warrant and teaching of sacred Scripture. To add to the intensity of this scriptural and unpardonable blunder, it involves one of the most positive and emphatic commands of God to his servant, man: ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’ HOMI November 1893, page 5.6

“No Protestant living to-day has ever yet obeyed that command.” HOMI November 1893, page 5.7

That is a fact. Of course this speaks only of Protestants; that is, exclusive of Seventh-day Adventists. No Protestant has ever, says the Catholic Church, observed the command of God to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. That is true. HOMI November 1893, page 5.8

“No Protestant living to-day has ever yet obeyed that command, preferring to follow the apostate church referred to than his teacher, the Bible, which, from Genesis to Revelation, teaches no other doctrine, should the Israelites and Seventh-day Adventists be correct. Both sides appeal to the Bible as their ‘infallible’ teacher. Let the Bible decide whether Saturday or Sunday be the day enjoined by God. One of the two bodies must be wrong, and whereas a false position on this all-important question involves terrible penalties, threatened by God himself against the transgressor of this ‘perpetual covenant,’ we shall enter on the discussion of the merits of the arguments wielded by both sides. Neither is the discussion of this paramount subject above the capacity of ordinary minds, nor does it involve extraordinary study. It resolves itself into a few plain questions, easy of solution:— HOMI November 1893, page 5.9

“First. Which day of the week doos [sic.] the Bible enjoin to be kept holy? HOMI November 1893, page 5.10

“Second. Has the New Testament modified by precept or practice the original command? HOMI November 1893, page 5.11

“Third. Have Protestants, since the sixteenth century, obeyed the command of God by keeping ‘holy’ the day enjoined by their infallible guide and teacher, the Bible; and if not, why not? HOMI November 1893, page 5.12

“To the above three questions we pledge ourselves to furnish as many intelligent answers, which cannot fail to vindicate the truth and uphold the deformity of error.” HOMI November 1893, page 5.13

In the next three articles these three questions are answered, showing that the Catholic Church is the only authority for Sunday; that Protestants are standing upon Catholic ground, and that, therefore, when they claim to keep Sunday, and claim the Bible only as their authority, they are committing denominational suicide. I read this that you may see that the time has come of which we told the people: That the people who keep Sunday from this day forward, are now called upon to give an account to the Catholic Church as to why they keep Sunday, and also, the other articles show, as to how they keep it too. HOMI November 1893, page 5.14

Well, when she has got over her controversy with them, the next step will be to take us up, but in fact we are in the controversy already, because we are names there. [A voice: What paper is that in?] That is in the American Sentinel. You see what those people are missing who are not taking the American Sentinel? Those here who are not subscribers would better subscribe to-day. HOMI November 1893, page 5.15

Now we are to be drawn into controversy with her, face to face, that is a fact. And in the other articles it comes out plainer yet, especially on the infallible authority, the infallibility, of the Church. She brings it up this way: The Adventists and Protestants both stand on Protestant ground, and claim the Bible as their infallible teacher, and their sole and ultimate authority; while we Catholics have the Bible, the infallible guide, and also an infallible interpreter of that guide—the pope—so that we know just where we stand. That is, it is true, the “Protestant” position; but it is not the Christian position. It is not the Seventh-day Adventist position. The true position is this: We have the Bible, the infallible truth of God. We also have Jesus Christ, the true head of the church, as the infallible teacher and interpreter of the infallible word, through his Holy Spirit, which is the infallible guide into all truth. Jesus Christ himself interprets the Scriptures, he guides his church by his Spirit, through prophets. So you see at once that the culminating point, the pivot, upon which turns our controversy with Rome, is the spirit of prophecy. And when in opposition to the spirit of prophecy, Rome sets up her claim to infallible authority, in order to make good her claim and maintain it by evidence, she will be compelled to have supernational communications. In order to secure these, she will have to seek her “saints,” which is really going to the dead, and thus she will be led to seek unto them that have familiar spirits,—she will be compelled to go to Spiritualism for “visions,” and “prophets.” Thus Catholicism and apostate Protestantism, which have already joined hands, will join hands with Spiritualism, as announced in “Testimony 32,” p. 207. Thank God for the spirit of prophecy! HOMI November 1893, page 6.1

And it is plain that we are right on the eve of this threefold combination. Then there will be just two bodies in the world,—the Catholics and the Seventh-day Adventists. For whoever does not propose to go with the Catholic Church, there is no place for him to go but with the Sabbath-keepers. Those who choose to go with her will stand on her ground, of course, and will accept her “infallible” authority. And the only way that she can maintain her authority against the power of the third angel’s message is in finding “prophets” and “visions” of her own. But anybody but the Lord, who supplies prophets and visions, is of the devil, and that is Spiritualism. Thus again I say they are driven to join hands with Spiritualism in order to maintain their doctrine of infallibility. And the Lord has given to us the true doctrine, the true Protestant doctrine of infallibility, and has manifested it, through visions from the Lord, his own voice speaking, and leading his people like a flock. [A voice: Thank the Lord!] Amen, let all the people thank the Lord. HOMI November 1893, page 6.2

But you can see how we are coming face to face, and into close combat with the beast and his image. You can see that. Well then, brethren, that being so, is it not important that you and I become thoroughly acquainted with the spirit of prophecy? Not simply acquainted with a person who has the spirit of prophecy. Not simply become thoroughly acquainted with a person who is a prophet, but become thoroughly acquainted with the spirit of prophecy itself. There is a difference between having confidence in the spirit of prophecy. You may have confidence in a prophet because you are acquainted with that person and have confidence in the person, and have had opportunities to understand the claims of that particular person to be a prophet. But if God should speak by some other one, to whom you had no opportunity to apply the physical tests that would satisfy you that that person was a genuine prophet, then how would you know whether that person was a prophet of the Lord or not? HOMI November 1893, page 6.3

This is worth considering, because there are going to be more prophets before the third angel’s message closes, and that you may see that, I will read a passage. Second chapter of Acts 17th verse: “It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters”—O no; your daughter shall prophesy. Is that it? “Your daughters;” plural number. That is not all. “Your sons.” Whose sons?—Your sons, and your daughters. Is that so? Well now, suppose one of them should prophesy some day, how would you know whether it was true or false? That is the question. Suppose some one should write a testimony to you as from the Spirit of God, some day, how would you know whether that were true or false? You had no opportunity to see that person in vision, when the matter was given; you had no opportunity to apply the physical tests which the Bible has given. HOMI November 1893, page 6.4

The Lord has given physical tests which, when they can be applied, are proper enough; we cannot do without them, it is all well enough; but suppose a testimony comes really from the Lord to me, from one whom I never knew to be a prophet or anything of the kind—we will say it is really from the Lord. How am I to know whether that is genuine or not, when I have never applied, and have had no chance to apply, any of the physical tests which the Bible gives? How can I tell? Before believing that testimony and acting upon it, am I to wait until I can see that person have a vision and apply all the physical tests that the Bible has given, in order to know whether it be a true testimony or not? The testimony might be very urgent. It might be some important duty laid upon me, but am I to wait to hear whether that person from which it comes has had a vision, or wait till I see that person in vision in order to tell whether it is true or false? Brethren, there is a better way. “My sheep know my voice, and they follow me.” HOMI November 1893, page 6.5

Now that you may see that there may arise such occasions as that, I will read of one occasion that did arise. Turn to 2 Chronicles 20th chapter and 11th verse. A great mass of heathen came up against Judah to destroy them, as they are massing the heathen against us now to destroy us. Jehoshaphat was king. He called all the people together, and they prayed unto the Lord and fasted. He said then, beginning with the 11th verse:— HOMI November 1893, page 6.6

“Behold, I say, how they reward us, to come to cast us out of thy possession, which thou hast given us to inherit. O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee. And all Judah stood before the Lord, with their little ones, their wives, and their children.” HOMI November 1893, page 7.1

They were in a strait; they wanted help from God, and nothing would answer but help from God. What then?— HOMI November 1893, page 7.2

“Then upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, came the Spirit of the Lord in the midst of the congregation; and he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” HOMI November 1893, page 7.3

Did he have a vision there, and that whole multitude have a chance to come up and apply all the physical tests that the Bible gives in order to be sure whether that was from the Lord or not? There is no evidence written there that he had a vision at all. The Spirit of God came upon him in the midst of the congregation, and he prophesied in the name of the Lord, and it was true, and the people knew that it was from God. How did they know it?—Ah, they knew his voice. HOMI November 1893, page 7.4

I am not saying anything at all against the application of all the physical tests that God has given. I am only saying that when we have no opportunity to apply these, you and I need to know his voice that we may answer when the Lord speaks, and we may know what to do when he speaks, even though we have not the opportunity of applying these tests. Therefore, as God has promised that your sons and your daughters shall prophesy—remember that is not all. “Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Sons, daughters, young men, old men, that is not all yet. “And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.” Sons, daughters, young men, old men, servants, and handmaids, God says that out from all these he will call persons to be prophets. Well, suppose he should! How are we going to know?—We are to become acquainted with his voice, so that when he speaks, we shall know the voice. “My sheep know my voice, and they follow me,” and the devil cannot imitate the voice of Jesus Christ. No, sir. He cannot imitate the voice of Christ. He may speak in the very words that are in the Bible, but it is not the voice of Jesus. No, sir. HOMI November 1893, page 7.5

Therefore, become acquainted with the voice of Jesus, brethren. And that means to get your hearts filled with the word of God, so that in your hearts and minds will be ringing the tones of his voice. And then when any one speaks from him, the tones will combine and harmonize with the tones that are ringing in your hearts and minds already, and you know his voice. Fill the whole heart with the words of the Lord. And this only brings to us afresh the importance of more diligent and earnest Bible study than we have ever engaged in before. That is what we must do or else we shall be deceived. We shall certainly be deceived if we are not acquainted with the voice. If I am not acquainted with the voice of God, is there not danger of my rejecting the true word of God spoken to me, because I do not know the voice, and have not the opportunity of applying the physical tests that God has given? If I do not know the voice, is there not danger that I might reject the true word of God and endanger my eternal salvation, cut myself off from ever having a knowledge of God and walking in his way? And we are in this danger to-day, because the time has come when God is pouring out his Spirit upon the people, and there will be more than one prophet. And when another prophet shall speak in the name of the Lord what he will speak, you and I will be in danger of refusing him, and of rejecting the testimony of God, if we do not know his voice. HOMI November 1893, page 7.6

And we know that there are to be false prophets, too, and many of them. False prophets shall multiply upon the earth. How shall we know whether they are false? We shall not have a chance to see whether the false prophet is in vision or not, because we do not want to associate with those classes. We do not propose to circulate among Spiritualists and connect with that thing. How are we to know them, then?—Ah, “My sheep know my voice; and they follow me;” “and a stranger will they not follow; for they know not the voice of strangers.” That is, the voice of strangers does not have any place in their heart, it cannot call them. They know that it is not the voice of the true Shepherd, and that is enough. We do not need to know it to become acquainted with it, when it is not the right one. We know the true voice, the voice of the Good Shepherd, and we do not need to know any other. Was it not written to us last winter that, to those who stand steadfast in the truth and seek God with all the heart, and are consecrated to him, and sanctified unto God, that “in the midst of all the delusive doctrines, the Spirit of God will silence every other voice than that which comes from the True Shepherd?” O then is it not time that we become acquainted with the Spirit of God, more than ever before? Why the fearful importance of this time calls upon us to seek for such a measure of the Spirit of God as has never been known in this world except at Pentecost. Will you seek for the Spirit of God that you may know his voice? That you may be acquainted with the Spirit of prophecy? And then God will make us acquainted with prophets. HOMI November 1893, page 7.7

Now I want to read to you from the testimony that that is where we are, and you can see we are right in that place. But before reading this I might call your attention to another thing. We are now in the presence of the Catholic Church, and have her to deal with, and all the others occupy the background. But this controversy drives them into the next and culminating combination—the alliance with Spiritualism. Well, then, when they join hands with Spiritualism, then the Catholic Church itself, as such, will rather fall into the background, and we shall have Spiritualism, and then shortly the devil himself, to deal with. Then, thank the Lord, Jesus himself comes, and we are free from the whole wicked combination forevermore. HOMI November 1893, page 8.1

Now then, “Testimony 32,” page 206, I read some things right along so that you will see what has been, and where we are, and what is to be:— HOMI November 1893, page 8.2

“Wealth, genius, education, will combine to cover them [Sabbath keepers] with contempt. Persecuting rulers, ministers, and church members will conspire against them. With voice and pen, by boasts, threats, and ridicule, they will seek to overthrow their faith. By false representations and angry appeals, they will stir up the passions of the people. Not having a ‘Thus saith the Scriptures’ to bring against the advocates of the Bible Sabbath, they will resort to oppressive enactments to supply the lack. To secure popularity and patronage, legislators will yield to the demand for a Sunday law.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.3

Has not that been done?—Yes, sir. We know that has been done. That is past. HOMI November 1893, page 8.4

“Those who fear God cannot accept an institution that violates a precept of the decalogue. On this battle-field comes the last great conflict of the controversy between truth and error.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.5

What conflict?—The last. How many of these things have we read here in these lessons? Why, in the Bible, in “Early Writings,” in the events around us in the world, and in the Testimonies, every point strikes the same words—it is the last thing, and almost the last act, the last work of his ministry, the last work of the message, the last great conflict. What does that mean? Ah, these things all clustering around one point, and each one the last in its particular line of prophecy, all mean that we are in the presence of the end of all things. That is precisely the meaning of all this, and there is no escaping it. Oh, we are to get ready. I read on:— HOMI November 1893, page 8.6

“By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.7

That is yet to come. We are between this and the yielding of legislators to the demand for a Sunday law. That is past; this is to come. And here is another situation of the same kind:— HOMI November 1893, page 8.8

“When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to clasp the hand of the Roman power.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.9

Has she done it?—She has. We know she has, and at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago, Archbishop Ryan proudly proclaimed it. That is past, then, isn’t it? HOMI November 1893, page 8.10

“When she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.11

And we are in the presence of this very thing. Again one of these things is past, and the other is to come. And we are entering upon the very controversy that drives them to this. Because though Protestants deny the infallibility of the Romish Church, they have to assert their own infallibility to sustain Sunday. And that same assumption is creeping in largely among professed Protestant leaders to-day,—that the Church is of authority and must be obeyed, is a general concensus of opinion. It is simply the doctrine, in another form, of the infallibility of the pope. Well, have they not already required Congress to interpret the Bible for them their way? And whoever interprets the Bible claims infallibility to start with. Then professed Protestants have set up and established in this country the infallibility of an organized body of men; they have asserted the power of Congress correctly to interpret the Scriptures. And in this alone they are committed to the Romish principle of infallibility. Again I read:— HOMI November 1893, page 8.12

“When she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism, when under the influence of this three-fold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its constitution as a Protestant and Republican government.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.13

She has repudiated every principle as a Protestant government by this which she has already done. And there remains only the alliance with Spiritualism to repudiate every principle as a Republican government. Then when that is done, and they— HOMI November 1893, page 8.14

“Shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan, and that the end is near.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.15

Now then,— HOMI November 1893, page 8.16

“As the approach of the Roman armies was a sign to the disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so may this apostasy be a sign to us.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.17

What apostasy?—Why, this apostasy of Protestantism clasping hands with Romanism, and then with Spiritualism. HOMI November 1893, page 8.18

“So may this apostasy be a sign to us that the limit of God’s forbearance is reached, that the measure of our nation’s iniquity is full, and that the angel of mercy is about to take her flight, never to return. The people of God will then be plunged into those scenes of affliction and distress which prophets have described as the time of Jacob’s trouble.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.19

Now then that shows us that as the approach of the Roman army meant the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so the approach of this thing shows us the impending close of probation. Is it approaching? Do we see it approaching? Have they joined hands with Romanism?—They have. Are we in the midst of the controversy right now that drives them, in spite of themselves even, to join hands with Spiritualism?—We are. Then is not that the sign that shows the impending flight of the angel of mercy never to return, the close of probation, the time of trouble, and the marvelous working of Satan and then the end? Isn’t it time we sought the Lord? Isn’t it time we became indued and filled with the Spirit of God? Isn’t it time we prepared for the conflict, which is to be a close combat? Now don’t you see what I meant in the previous lesson when I read that one sentence here in which it said, in this time of the loud cry “the people of God are prepared [by the loud cry] to stand in the hour of temptation which they are soon to meet”? And,— HOMI November 1893, page 8.20

“I saw a great light resting upon them as they united fearlessly to proclaim the truths of the third angel’s message.” HOMI November 1893, page 9.1

How proclaim it?—“Fearlessly.” Well then that is thrown in there—they united fearlessly to proclaim it—to show that we are in a time when there is danger of some being fearful to proclaim it, that it requires fearlessness in order to do it. And it is repeated. HOMI November 1893, page 9.2

“This message seemed to be in addition to the third angel’s message, joining it, as the “midnight cry” joined the second angel’s message in 1844. The glory of God rested upon the patient, waiting saints, and they fearlessly gave the solemn warning proclaiming the fall of Babylon, and calling upon God’s people to come out of her that they may escape her fearful doom.” HOMI November 1893, page 9.3

Now I call your attention to a few words that the Catholic Church has spoken, and is speaking to-day, this present year, as to what they propose to do now with the Republic. Here is a document issued by the “Catholic Truth Society of America.” It is spreading Catholic documents all over the United States, filled with all kinds of iusidious [sic.] doctrine to make it appear that the Catholic Church is the conservator of American institutions. This is entitled, “The Catholic Church and the American Republic.” And I read:— HOMI November 1893, page 9.4

“The friends of Catholicity on the other hand assure us that as God in his providence creates a new soul for every human body that is born into the world, so the American Republic was no sooner born from the womb of time than he in like manner created a separate republic to be its companion, its protector, and its infallible guide through all the years of its existence.” HOMI November 1893, page 9.5

What, according to this precious document, did he give to be the guide of this republic?—“He gave the Catholic Church to be the infallible guide of this republic.” But the Protestants have got Congress to take up the doctrine of infallibility to guide it without the Catholic Church. That brings a controversy, then, between the Church of Rome and Protestants, as to whether they are the true infallible guide, or whether the Catholic Church is. So you see the whole question of infallibility comes to us from every side and we are driven into a controversy, of which this is the central point. I read one:— HOMI November 1893, page 9.6

“They [the friends of Catholicity] tell us, furthermore, that, as the soul can live without the body, but the body cannot live without the soul, so the Church cau [sic.] live without the Repnblic [sic.], but the Republic cannot live without the church. In a word, that the Church is necessary to the Republic, and without her spiritual guidance the Republic must inevitably fail, as evidenced by the ancient republics of history before her. These are bold doctrines to preach to Americans.” HOMI November 1893, page 9.7

Exactly. She knows that. But she knows the time has come when she has the power so firmly in her hands that she can preach as boldly as she pleases. HOMI November 1893, page 9.8

“Is not this whole country stamped for a Catholic land? With the great doctor, St. Augustine, guarding the Atlantic coast, and the heroic missionary, San Francisco, the Pacific; with the indomitable apostle, St. Paul, kindling zeal and enthusiasm in the North, and the gentle San Antonio inspiring love and peace in the South; with the Warrior King, St. Louis, in the center, and the great St. Joseph and Notre Dame, the gracious queen of heaven, hard by,—with all these powerful intercessors pleading for her, can we, I say, expect anything less than a glorious triumph for Catholicity in America? HOMI November 1893, page 9.9

“Surely God’s plans are manifest. America is the last and greatest of nations; and he means to possess her for himself.... The nets of St. Peter will drag this continent from ocean to ocean, till they are filled to breaking with the souls of men that shall be saved.” HOMI November 1893, page 9.10

These are bold doctrines to preach to Americans; that is true. But the sad thing about it is that Americans hear the preaching and calmly sleep on. And even yet more sad—the saddest of all, is that Seventh-day Adventists are not awake to these things, and are not prepared for the conflict. HOMI November 1893, page 9.11

This shows what they propose to do with us all. O, that we might have more of the power of God. O, that we might believe fully in the power that we may have. Isn’t it high time to awake out of sleep? Isn’t it high time to get such a spirit of the message of God, as will fit us to go forth and fearlessly proclaim that message as it is now to be given, and so be able to meet the Catholic Church upon her own ground, and defeat her by the power of God, and the sacred things of his truth? It is time that our ministers were waking up more than they are. It is time that we were getting acquainted with these encroachments of the Catholic Church, that we may meet her where she is, and be able to defeat her, before all the world by the power of God as she stands forth, Goliath-like, challenging the world. O, the time that has been lost by this looseness, this dilatoriness, this slackness, in the study of the third angel’s message, and the things that God has sent to us year after year to study! HOMI November 1893, page 9.12

Break loose, brethren. Cut loose from everything. Fall on the rock and be broken all to pieces. Are you going to awake now, and find out everything that God sends? He that knows the least can learn the most. And when a man will confess to God that he knows nothing, then God can teach him everything. The Lord can do more for that man in one day than the man himself can learn in ten thousand years by his own effort, or through his own opinions. HOMI November 1893, page 9.13

How are you prepared for the issues before us? Who is ready? Who is ready to enter into the impending conflict with Rome? Who is ready? Who is ready to take the word of God and stand upon it, let Rome do her worst? Who is ready to go forth in the conflict in the face of Rome, and against all the power that she has over all the earth, and back of her, Satan ready to give her all his power. Who is ready? HOMI November 1893, page 9.14

Isn’t it time we seek the Lord? Isn’t it time we seek him here at this meeting that he may pour his Spirit upon us that he may give us a clear understanding? O, for more than a year God has had an ocean of light ready to open before us. More than a year we have been standing right on the shore of an ocean of light. Will you seek him that he may launch us off the shore into the fullness of the light and glory he has for us? Will you? O, it is time! it is time! O that we might break loose from the world; that we would cut loose from everything of earth; that we might be launched into this ocean of light that God would bestow upon us by his Spirit, and by which he would prepare us for the work we have to do. HOMI November 1893, page 9.15

Not only that, but we are so near the coming of the Lord that we can almost see the light of the city from where we stand now. Just one or two more steps upward and we shall be where we can see the glory of the beautiful city. We are almost to the heights. Brethren, will you cut loose everything that we may rise? He is our Leader. I will seek the Lord with you. Shall we seek him together? Let it be done. For the Lord’s sake, let it be done. Let us not rest satisfied until it is so. Give him no rest until it is made so. Here we are. These things surround us. May the Lord awaken us to the times; and may we have his everlasting salvation, and be prepared to meet him when he comes in all his glory. HOMI November 1893, page 9.16

“Health Reform by Faith” The Home Missionary Extra 5, pp. 10-14.


“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 2 John 2. HOMI November 1893, page 10.1

God wishes above all things that you and I may prosper, and be in health. “Even as thy soul prospereth.” So the Lord puts our health, and his care for our health, just on the same level exactly with our souls’ prosperity. He has made abundant provision for our soul’s prosperity in his word. And our souls cannot have the prosperity which he has provided, if we slight the provision he has made, that is, if we slight his word. But he has made provision also that we may be in health, even as our souls prosper. Then he has certainly given direction and made provision in his word as to how this shall be done. And we cannot prosper and be in health, if we slight his word in this respect. So we cannot have health of soul without using the provision which God has given, without following his word faithfully; neither can we have health without doing the same thing. And when he wishes above all things that we may have health, just as certainly as our souls prosper; when he expresses as much care for our health as for the other; we are not making the response to his wish that we should unless we do give health that place that he gives it. Unless we give health the place that he gives it, we are assuredly not fulfilling his will in all things. He desires that we shall be filled with the knowledge of his will in all things. HOMI November 1893, page 10.2

Let us read:— HOMI November 1893, page 10.3

“For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in knowledge of God.” Colossians 1:9, 10. HOMI November 1893, page 10.4

“Filled with the knowledge of his will.” And assuredly our expression of his will is in this text: “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” He has thus expressed his will in this matter, and if we are filled with the knowledge of his will, then the subject of health will have in our estimation and in our lives the place the Lord desires it to have; and then we shall walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, in this matter, and shall have the health that he wishes us to have; and so we shall be fruitful in every good work, and increase in the knowledge of God. HOMI November 1893, page 10.5

Health reform, then, is just as certainly—I do not say as much but as certainly—a part of God’s plan of salvation as righteousness by faith. He wishes us our souls prosper; but how can our souls prosper without righteousness by faith?—They cannot do it. He wishes above all things that we may prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. Then how can our health prosper as he wishes it without health reform by faith?—It cannot do it. HOMI November 1893, page 10.6

Genuine health reform means health reform by faith, as genuine righteousness means righteousness by faith. And if a person does not apply health reform by faith, then he does not get the benefit that is in it, and he cannot. And now that you may see that that is just what the scripture says, I will read a passage. Turn to the 14th chapter of Romans, beginning with the 15th verse:— HOMI November 1893, page 10.7

“But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. Let not then your good be evil spoken of: for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ [is] acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” HOMI November 1893, page 10.8

This statement that whatever is not of faith is sin, is a universal truth. Yet here it is stated in direct connection with eating. Whatsoever is not of faith in eating, as well as anything else, is sin. So that he that doubteth is condemned, or damned, if he eat; because of what?—Because he eateth not of faith. then a man that eats not of faith, what is his condition before God?—He is condemned. What is he doing?—Sinning, for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. HOMI November 1893, page 10.9

Faith is the gift of God. It comes to us by the word. For faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Then in order to eat by faith, where are we to get the faith, and the authority for eating, and what we shall eat?—From the word of God, most surely. If a man slights what the word of God says he shall or shall not eat, he does not eat by faith. Because the faith by which we are to eat is of God, to be brought to us, and be created in us, by the word of God, just as the faith by which we receive righteousness and virtue, comes from God by his word. HOMI November 1893, page 11.1

So that just as the word of God brings faith to us, pertaining to our soul’s salvation, so the word of God brings faith to us concerning our health. The Word of God brings faith concerning our soul’s prosperity, and when in faith we accept that word, our souls prosper; so in faith we take this word concerning our health, and our health prospers. Now that is a fact. For in direct connection with our eating and drinking, that word says: “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” Look back at the first verses of this fourteenth chapter of Romans. We read: “One believeth that he may eat all things, another who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth; for God hath received him.” And so it goes on regarding this matter of eating and giving God thanks, eating to the glory of God, eating by faith, and closes up the whole chapter with that all-sweeping word, “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” HOMI November 1893, page 11.2

Here is another text worth studying. In the 10th chapter of 1 Corinthians, the 27th verse:— HOMI November 1893, page 11.3

“If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience’ sake. But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that showed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof. Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man’s conscience? For if I by grace be a partaker, etc.” HOMI November 1893, page 11.4

Our salvation is by grace through faith, and so our health reform, our eating, is by grace through faith. And that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. Health reform never came by us. It came from God. Therefore, as the salvation of souls came by the grace of God, the gift of God through faith, and not of ourselves; so health reform came as the gift of God, and by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. HOMI November 1893, page 11.5

“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” HOMI November 1893, page 11.6

Our body belongs to God. Does our spirit belong to God?—Yes. Who can make our spirits prosper? Who can bring our spirits to the image of Christ?—None but Christ. Who can bring our bodies to that?—None but Christ. Our bodies are to be made in the image of Christ, as well as are our souls. Of course they are. The word says so. Let us read the verse that says it. Philippians 3:20, 21:— HOMI November 1893, page 11.7

“For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” HOMI November 1893, page 11.8

Then our characters are to be just like Christ’s; our bodies are to be just like Christ’s. In other words, our spirits are to be just like his, and our bodies are to be just like his. And therefore it is not saying too much to say that health reform must be by faith, or else it is not health reform. And without living health reform by faith we will never get the benefit of it, any more than we can be benefited by a righteousness that is not of faith. HOMI November 1893, page 11.9

Our bodies are the Lord’s just as certainly as are our spirits; and our bodies are to be like Christ’s just as certainly as our spirits and our characters are to be made like Christ’s. HOMI November 1893, page 11.10

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23. HOMI November 1893, page 11.11

And that is the object of health reform. It is to prepare our bodies for immortality. So now I will read the evidence of it. Here is the testimony on the object of health reform—what is to be attained by it. Vol. I, of the bound Testimonies for the Church 1:554:— HOMI November 1893, page 11.12

“It should ever be kept prominent that the great object to be attained through this channel is not only health, but perfection and the spirit of holiness, which cannot be attained with diseased bodies and minds.” HOMI November 1893, page 11.13

What is the object of health reform, then?—Perfection, and the spirit of holiness. It is simply the same thing as being like Christ in body and in spirit. HOMI November 1893, page 11.14

Page 564, same volume. The title of it is, “Health and Religion;” but in speaking of the health institution, and why it should be established, the object of health reform, and the work of it, it is stated thus:— HOMI November 1893, page 11.15

“God would have a health institution established, which will in its influence be closely connected with the closing work for mortals fitting for immortality.” HOMI November 1893, page 11.16

The object of the third angel’s message is to fit us to meet Christ alive. And the health reform is part of the third angel’s message. We will come to that presently in another way. Then health reform is just as much in its place fitting people to be like Christ and to be translated to immortality when he comes, as the main body of the third angel’s message is to make us like Christ in character. HOMI November 1893, page 11.17

Then Vol. II., p. 356:— HOMI November 1893, page 12.1

“What is the work that we are to undertake here just previous to receiving immortality?—It is to preserve our bodies holy, our spirits pure.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.2

When is it that we are to do that?—Just previous to receiving immortality. That is the work. Then it is plain enough that health reform is to fit a people for immortality. HOMI November 1893, page 12.3

Now, Vol. I, p. 559. This touches the very point we had a moment ago in another way:— HOMI November 1893, page 12.4

“The health reform is closely connected with the work of the third message, yet it is not the message.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.5

See the difference? It is closely connected with it, but it is not it. HOMI November 1893, page 12.6

“Our preachers should teach the health reform, yet they should not make this the leading theme in the place of the message.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.7

Now as to its place. Here is the place of health reform:— HOMI November 1893, page 12.8

“Its place is among those subjects which set forth the preparatory work to meet the events brought to view by the message.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.9

Well, what are the events brought to view by the message? Just think of that for a moment. What are the events brought to view by the third angel’s message?—The coming of the Lord; and before that, the pouring out of the plagues, and the worship of the beast and his image on the part of the wicked; perfect holiness and the close of probation on the part of the righteous. The image of Christ is to be reflected in us fully; we are to be sealed with the seal of the living God; so that we are like Jesus in character. And when we are to pass through the seven last plagues, and meet him when he comes in the blazing glory of all the universe, that we may be like him in body. Those are the things brought to view in the third angel’s message, and health reform is to be preached by us all and set forth as the preparatory work to meet those things which the message tells about. “Among these it is prominent.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.10

Well, then, don’t you see that health reform, without the events that the third angel’s message brings to you, is almost meaningless? In any other view than God gives, it is almost meaningless, because it is not simply for present health, in this world; it is not simply as a thing of health, that men may go on without believing in the Lord, and just merely for the sake of health. There is a benefit in that, of course; but that is not the purpose of preaching or teaching it by us. It is not that people shall merely have health. No, sir. It is health by faith, in view of the things that are brought to view by the third angel’s message, to meet Jesus Christ, and the things that are coming between us and his coming. And therefore we are to preach the third angel’s message, and get people to see what is coming, and then get them to prepare their bodies to meet them, as Jesus Christ ... o prepare their souls for the close of probation. HOMI November 1893, page 12.11

In other words, righteousness by faith brings us to the perfection of Jesus Christ in character, and health reform by faith brings us to the perfection of Christ in our bodies. Between the point where we are sealed with the seal of the living God, and the coming of Christ, there are the seven last plagues, and our bodies have got to go through them unscathed, before they become like the glorious body of Jesus. When we preach to the people the coming of the Lord, and the necessity of meeting him, and the motive in keeping the Sabbath, and all that, their bodies are not prepared by that in itself, to meet him. So that the health reform has to come in in its place, and fit the people to meet the events brought before them in the preaching of the message; and that is just as much a part of the third angel’s message, in its place, as is the other. HOMI November 1893, page 12.12

Faith in Jesus Christ, personal faith in Jesus Christ, and receiving righteousness by faith, and the keeping of the Sabbath, seeing Christ in it, and receiving the seal of God, the perfect image of Jesus Christ, reflected in the character,—this prepares the character for the close of probation. And the health reform is to prepare our bodies for the close of probation, because, between the close of probation and the Saviour’s coming, our bodies are to pass through the plagues before we are ready to meet him, and be like him, seeing him as he is. This is true. It says so. I will read that again:— HOMI November 1893, page 12.13

“The health is closely connected with the work of the third angel’s message. Our preachers should teach the health reform, yet they should not make this the leading theme in the place of the message. Its place is among those subjects which set forth the preparatory work to meet the events brought to view by the message; among these it is prominent.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.14

One more passage as to the object of health reform. Page 486, same volume:— HOMI November 1893, page 12.15

“In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God must know themselves. They must understand in regard to their own physical frames, that they may be able with the psalmist to exclaim, “I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.’ They should ever have the appetite in subjection to the moral and intellectual organs. The body should be servant to the mind, and not the mind to the body.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.16

And that work is necessary to the people in order that they may be fitted for translation. The people of God must know themselves; and the object of health reform and of the teaching of it, is that we may know how to treat ourselves, and how to live to have good health, and be fitted for translation. HOMI November 1893, page 12.17

Well then, I say again that the object of health reform is not merely for health’s sake, and that that is not God’s view of it. When it is practiced and taught anywhere merely for health’s sake, it is not meeting God’s mind. Of course the person who practices it will have better health, but will he be prepared for what it is to prepare him?—No. Getting people ready to meet Jesus Christ, to be translated, ready for the Lord,—that is the Lord’s idea and purpose in health reform. HOMI November 1893, page 12.18

Now right in the same line, let us study another division of it. Health reform is to be practiced by faith, just as any other part of religion is. Well, how much faith can I have for you? How much faith can one have for another?—Not any. How much religion can you have if you find out what faith I have, and then try to live according to my faith?—None that is worth anything. I cannot find out another man’s faith, and how he lives by faith, and how the promises of God live in him in response to his faith, and how he prospers in all these different things by faith, and then shut myself up to that, and have prosperity, too. One cannot live by another’s faith, and copy another’s religion. It is impossible to do that. Faith is wholly an individual matter. Therefore it is written: “Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God.” Now, then, true health reform is by faith; therefore, just as truly as faith is an individual matter, so true health reform is an individual matter; one cannot practice it for another. God’s promises are just as much an individual matter to you as though there were not another man in this world. And they are just as much an individual matter to you with all the other men in the world, as though there were not another man in the world, for the reason that no two men are alike. Now it is the same thing in health reform. It is the same thing in all the work of a lifetime. Just as we read here a while ago, “Hast thou faith?” What then?—“Have it to thyself before God.” And in that place he is writing about eating, too,—eating and drinking. Well, then, in matters of health reform, have faith for yourself, and study that thing for yourself, and live it for yourself. Apply it by the Spirit of God and the faith of Jesus Christ to yourself in your own life, according to your own needs before God. HOMI November 1893, page 13.1

Health reform then, on this basis, you can see, is just as certainly an individual matter as is the person’s own soul’s salvation. You cannot save your soul by finding out how I believe to the saving of mine, and then how the Lord works with me to save mine. You have to find out from God himself, for yourself, so that he will work in you, and you know that for yourself, as an individual personal matter. So it is with true health reform. Though I be hearty and strong and able to do much work, you are not to find out how I live and then copy that in order that you may be hearty and strong and able to work. The probabilities are it would kill you. No, you find out for yourself how you should live, and then live that way in order for you to be healthy and strong and able to work. HOMI November 1893, page 13.2

Now I want you to see that the Testimonies teach and emphasize this very thing. In Vol. 1, p. 486, is the following:— HOMI November 1893, page 13.3

“The health reform, I was shown, is a part of the third angel’s message, and is just as closely connected with it as are the arm and hand with the human body. I saw that we as a people must make an advance move in this great work.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.4

Let us do it. HOMI November 1893, page 13.5

“Ministers and people must act in concert.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.6

And they will when the ministers act first. HOMI November 1893, page 13.7

“God’s people are not prepared for the loud cry of the third angel’s message.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.8

What has that to do with health reform? Is health reform to prepare us for the loud cry, too? HOMI November 1893, page 13.9

“They have a work to do for themselves, which they should not leave for God to do for them. He has left this work for them to do.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.10

Now the sentence:— HOMI November 1893, page 13.11

“IT IS AN INDIVIDUAL WORK; one cannot do it for another.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.12

Now that is plain enough. Health reform is an individual work, and one cannot do it for another. We are not to ask some one to do it for us; and we are not to ask some one to live, and then tell us how they live, and then we live like that, and then call that health reform, and be pale, and lean, and not good for anything. No, sir. There is no health reform about that. HOMI November 1893, page 13.13

Second volume, p. 371, middle of the page, touches this question. HOMI November 1893, page 13.14

“When we adopt the health reform, we should adopt it from a sense of duty, not because somebody else has adopted it.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.15

Here in Vol. III., p. 311, we read:— HOMI November 1893, page 13.16

“Our preachers should all be sincere, genuine health reformers, not merely adopting the reform because others do, but from principle, in obedience to the word of God.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.17

Do it, each one, because he knows that God speaks to him, and he receives it as from God, and performs it thus. That is health reform by faith, and having the faith to himself before God. HOMI November 1893, page 13.18

Here, also, in Vol. II., p. 374:— HOMI November 1893, page 13.19

“Some of you feel as though you would like to have somebody tell you how much to eat.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.20

This is not all, either. They would like to have some one tell them what to eat, and just when to eat it, and then how much to eat at that time. It is all the same thought. HOMI November 1893, page 13.21

“Some of you feel as though you would like to have some one tell you how much to eat. This is not the way it should be. We are to act from a moral and religious standpoint. We are to be temperate in all things, because an incorruptible crown, a heavenly treasure, is before us. And not I wish to say to my brethren and sisters, I would have moral courage to take my position and to govern myself. I would not want to put that on some one else.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.22

On page 367, two classes are presented before us:— HOMI November 1893, page 13.23

“First, those who were not living up to the light which God had given them. They started in the reform because somebody else did. They did not understand the system for themselves. There are many of you who profess the truth, who have received it because somebody else did, and for your life you could not give the reason. This is why you are as weak as water. Instead of weighing your motives in the light of eternity, instead of having a practical knowledge of the principles underlying all your actions, instead of having dug down to the bottom and built upon a right foundation for yourself, you are walking in the sparks kindled by somebody else. And you will fail in this, as you have failed in the health reform.” HOMI November 1893, page 13.24

Thus you see that if we attempt to live the principles of the third angel’s message, or profess to believe, because somebody else does, instead of getting it all individually from the Lord himself, then we are as weak as water, and we fail. And if you receive health reform that way, because somebody else does, and then attempt to practice it the way somebody else does, you will likewise be as weak as water, and will fail in the health reform. Don’t call that way of doing, health reform. It is not health reform at all. The Lord does not want us to fail in our spiritual health, nor in our physical health. But “whatsoever is not of faith is sin;” and sin is failure. Well, then, have faith just as certainly in one as in the other. HOMI November 1893, page 14.1

This is all I have to give now on this particular line. What I desired in this line of thought—or you can call it a lesson, just as you please—was to find what health reform is, what the object of it is, and that it is an individual work—that it does not belong to one for another. This is simply preliminary, opening up the whole field for our study. And as we study it all the way through, so far as we shall have opportunity to study it, we shall see how entirely the whole course of health reform mapped out for us meets the points here made. And the object of the health reform is not met unless it is followed in the way here pointed out. HOMI November 1893, page 14.2

Well, then, let it be thus preached and practiced. Of course we cannot preach it effectually unless we do practice it. Living health reform will do more than all our preaching without it. The ministers and the people are to move in harmony, move together. And as I said when I read that, this will always be so when the ministers move first, as they ought. But if God has to take up the people and carry them ahead of the ministers, then the work does not move in harmony. We are to be a living illustration of health reform, as we go before the people, and practice it before them, and at their tables, and teach them at the fireside, just as we teach them righteousness by faith. And we shall have to teach it and practice it right amongst people who have been professing to be health reformers for years. But God is in it, and it will win; and the great object named will be accomplished; we shall be prepared to pass safely through the seven last plagues, and be fitted for translation. HOMI November 1893, page 14.3

“Our Country, the Third Angel’s Message, and Our Relations to Both” The Home Missionary Extra 5, pp. 7-12.


Reading for Sunday, December 24


WAS made as it was made, with total separation between religion and the State, for the plainly declared purpose of keeping the people of the United States from being led back to the Church of Rome. To keep the Romish religion from becoming the established and national religion, the makers of the government forbade the establishment of, or any favors toward, any religion at all. To save the people from the domination of the Roman power in the institutions of the Romish religion, our fathers forbade any favors even to “the Christian religion.” They said: “The same authority that can establish the Christian religion in exclusion of all other religions, can with the same ease establish any particular sect of Christians in exclusion of all other sects. Therefore to keep the Roman sect of “the Christian religion” from become the established religion and the dominant power here, they forbade any governmental recognition of even “the Christian religion” itself. HOMI November 1893, page 7.1

The makers of this government said that “To judge for ourselves and to engage in the exercise of religion agreeably to the dictates of our own consciences, is an unalienable right, which, upon the principles on which the gospel was first propagated, and the Reformation from Popery carried on, can never be transferred to another.” They said further that, “it is impossible for the magistrate to adjudge the right of preference among the various sects which profess the Christian faith, without erecting a claim to infallibility which would lead us back to the Church of Rome.” Thus certainly did the makers of this government intend that the people of the United States should never, by any act of the government, be led back to the Church of Rome; and thus certainly did they intend that the government of the United States should never touch any question of religion, and specifically “the Christian religion,” in order that their expressed purpose might prevail,—that the people should not be led back to the Church of Rome and popery. HOMI November 1893, page 7.2

Nevertheless, for twenty-four years the Nation Reform Association of professed Protestants, worked steadily alone, to have “the Christian religion” named and legalized as the religion of this nation. In its twenty-fifth year, 1887, it secured the alliance of the National Prohibition party and the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, and with this additional power, continued its efforts for the legal recognition of the Christian religion as the national religion. In 1888 this National Reform Combination secured the alliance of the American Sabbath Union representing the great “evangelical” churches of the country, and with increased power the whole combination plied their efforts upon the national government to secure the legal recognition of the Christian religion and the setting up of Sunday as the national holy day. In 1889, the National Reform Association, through the leadership of the American Sabbath Union, secured their long-desired “co-operation” of the Catholic Church for national Sunday observance. And in 1892 they were gratified with the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, declaring that “this is a Christian nation,” and thus giving national legal recognition to the Christian religion, and this was swiftly followed by the action of Congress in which Sunday was set up as the Sabbath of the fourth commandment and of this nation, to the express exclusion of the Sabbath of the Lord. In this act the Congress of the United states did adjudge a question of preference among sects professing the Christian faith, and therefore did the very thing which the makers of the government declared it impossible to do without leading back to the church of Rome. And the Supreme Court in declaring this to be a Christian nation and thus giving legal recognition to the Christian religion in the exclusion of all other religions, did do the very thing which the makers of the government declared would inevitably end in the legal recognition of some particular sect of Christians to the exclusion of all other sects. HOMI November 1893, page 7.3

Thus certainly this government, as it was originally made and as it was intended forever to remain, has been subverted; and so certainly there now follows the thing which our fathers so plainly guarded against,—the domination of the Church of Rome and of popery. Rome had been watching the National Reform movement all the time, and had been waiting for that movement to grow to such a state as would be to her advantage to co-operate with. And it was not unadvisedly that in 1889 the Catholic Church joined hands with the National Reform Combination, “to bring the Protestant masses over to the reverent observance of the Catholic Sunday.” And it was with great gladness that she heard the supreme judicial declaration that “this is a Christian nation,” with the citation of Catholic documents to prove it, and also saw Congress set up the sign of her own authority—the Sunday—as the holy day of the nation in express exclusion of the Sabbath of the Lord. It was with supreme satisfaction that she saw her own sign of her own salvation set up here by a national act as the symbol of the salvation of the nation. And then it was the Pope Leo XIII published in the United States his plans concerning the United States, and through this concerning Europe and all humanity, as follows:— HOMI November 1893, page 7.4

“In his [Pope Leo’s] view, the United States has reached the period when it becomes necessary to bring about the fusion of all the heterogeneous elements in one homogeneous and indissoluble nation.... It is for this reason that the pope wants the Catholics to prove themselves the most enlightened and most devoted workers for national unity and political assimilation.... America feels the need of this work of internal fusion.... What the Church has done in the past for others, she will do for the United States.... That is the reason the Holy See encourages the American clergy to guard jealously the solidarity, and to labor for the fusion of all the foreign and heterogeneous elements into one vast national family.... HOMI November 1893, page 8.1

“Finally, Leo XIII desires to see strength in that unity. Like all intuitive souls, he hails the united American States and in their young and flourishing church, the source of new life for Europeans. He wants America to be powerful, in order that Europe may regain strength from borrowing a rejuvenated type. Europe is closely watching the United States.... Henceforth we [Europeans] will need authors who will place themselves on this ground: ‘What can we borrow and what ought we to borrow from the United States for our social, political, and ecclesiastical reorganization?’ The answer depends in great measure upon the development of American destinies. If the United States succeed in solving the many problems that puzzle us, Europe will follow her example, and this outpouring of light will mark a date in the history not only of the United States, BUT OF ALL HUMANITY. HOMI November 1893, page 8.2

“That is why the holy father, anxious for peace and strength, collaborates with passion in the work of consolidation and development in American affairs. According to him, the church ought to be the chosen crucible for the moulding and absorption of races into one united family. And that, especially, is the reason why he labors at the codification of ecclesiastical affairs, in order that this distant member of Christianity may infuse new blood into the old organization. HOMI November 1893, page 8.3

And this was followed swiftly by the establishment of Satolli as permanent apostolic delegate here to carry out this plan; and Satolli openly declared at the Catholic Congress in Chicago, Sept. 5, 1893, not only that this is his place and work here but commanded the Catholics of the United States to carry out this scheme. His words are as follows:— HOMI November 1893, page 8.4

“In the name of Leo XIII, I salute the great American Republic, and I call upon the Catholics of America to go forward, in our hand bearing the book of Christian truth, and in the other the Constitution of the United States.... HOMI November 1893, page 8.5

“To-day this is the duty of the Catholics: To bring into the world the fullness of supernatural truth and supernatural life. This especially is the duty of a Catholic Congress. There are the nations who have never separated from the church, but who have neglected often to apply in full degree the lessons of the gospel. There are the nations who have gone out from the church, bringing with them many of her treasures, and because of what they have brought, shedding partial light. But cut off from the source, unless that source is again brought into close contact with them, there is danger for the future. HOMI November 1893, page 8.6

“Bring them in contact with their past by your action and teaching. Bring your fellow countrymen, bring your country into immediate contact with that great secret of blessedness—Christ and his church. And in this manner shall it come to pass the word of the psalmist shall be fulfilled: ‘Mercy and justice have met one another, justice and peace have kissed.’ ... HOMI November 1893, page 8.7

“Now all these great principles have been marked out in most illuminous lines in the encyclicals of the great pontiff, Leo XIII. He has studied them. Hold fast to them as the safest anchorage, and all will be well. These several questions are studied the world over. It is well they be studied in America, for here in America do we have more than elsewhere the key to the future. [Applause]. HOMI November 1893, page 8.8

“Here in America you have a country blessed specially by Providence in the fertility of field and the liberty of its Constitution. [Loud applause[. Here you have a country which will repay all effort [loud and prolonged applause] not merely tenfold, but, aye, a hundredfold. And this no one understands better than the immortal Leo. And he charges me, his delegate, to speak out to America words of hope and blessing, words of joy. Go forward in one hand bearing the book of Christian truth—the Bible—and in the other the Constitution of the United States. [Tremendous applause, the people rising to their feet].” HOMI November 1893, page 8.9

The Constitution of the United States as it was made, and as it was intended by its makers to remain, was directly opposed to every principle and every purpose of Rome. And that Constitution, as our fathers made it and intended it, no Catholic was ever commanded by any pope to take in one hand with the Catholic Bible in the other. But when that Constitution was interpreted to mean that this is a Christian nation, when that Constitution was interpreted according to Rome’s principles, and the sign of her authority with Catholic documents was cited to support this interpretation, then it was, and not till then, that all Catholics were commanded to take this Catholic Constitution in one hand and the Catholic Bible in the other; and, with Satolli at their head, go forward to their “hundredfold” reward in the United States, and through this bring again “all Europe” and “all humanity” back into “close contact” with “the Church.” HOMI November 1893, page 8.10

And now with the Catholic Bible in one hand, and the Catholic Constitution of the United States in the other, the Catholic Church steps forth and declares that this is a Catholic Christian nation. The arguments which the National Reformers have used all these years, to prove that this is a Christian nation, she now boldly appropriates, and says that they mean that this is a Catholic Christian nation. All the claims which the National Reform combination has presented for the governmental recognition of religion, the Catholic Church now adopts and declares as the consequence that it is governmental recognition of the Catholic religion. HOMI November 1893, page 9.1

All these years the National Reform combination has constantly presented as the basis for the governmental recognition of their religion, that “this country was settled by Christian men having Christian ends in view.” And now that they have secured their long desired governmental recognition of “the Christian religion,” the Catholic Church appropriates bodily the argument, and boldly declares that this country was first discovered and settled by Catholic Christian men, having Catholic Christian ends in view. At the late World’s Congress of Religions this was made plain beyond all chance for question. In a paper read by Professor Thomas O’Gorman, of the Catholic University, of Washington, D.C., it is presented more fully and compactly than in any other place we have found, and we shall therefore quote largely from it. On this point of the discovery and settlement of the country “by Christian men having Christian ends in view,” he says:— HOMI November 1893, page 9.2

“By right of discovery and possession, dating back almost 900 years, America is Christian. On the waters of Lake Michigan, close to the Convent of La Rabida are moored three Spanish caravels and a little farther away one Viking ship. All three—convent, caravels and Scandinavian craft—are evidences of an acquaintance between America and the church in times when the only Christianity in existence was Catholic. This fact is sufficient justification for a change I have allowed myself to make. In the programme, this paper has for title, “Relation of the Catholic Church to America.” For wider latitude and juster account I make it “Relation of Christianity to America.” HOMI November 1893, page 9.3

“The strange Viking boat carries the relation to a period ante-dating Columbus by almost five hundred years. About the year 1000, Christian colonists from Norway founded in Greenland a Christian community, which for 400 years—that is, almost down to the days of Columbus—possessed a body of Catholic priests and a continuous line of bishops in communion with the popes of Rome. From Greenland, traders and missionaries pushed westward to the mainland. Trading posts and mission stations, if not permanent settlements, arose on the coasts of New England, and the natural products of this country found their way to Europe and even to Rome, the capital of Christendom, as payment of the Peter pence from the Catholic people of far away Greenland and Vinland. In the showcases of the Convent of La Rabida in your White City are some of the many contemporary documents which prove these facts, and imply a relation existing long before Columbus, between Rome and the land that was to become in later ages the cradle of the American republic. For reasons, which it is not my present task to indicate, the intercourse had gradually grown intermittent and had all but ceased when Columbus appeared. At any rate, it had never dawned on the mind of Europe that the far-away Scandinavian colony was in a new continent. Greenland and Europe, and to be a souther dip of the known continent into habitable western latitudes from inhabitants polar regions. So much for the older acquaintance between the church and America. HOMI November 1893, page 9.4


“The Spanish convent and caravels indicate a relation that began 400 years ago; a relation which was to Europe the revelation of a new world, what the Scandinavian relation had not been; a relation that has not ceased since, as had the Scandinavian; a relation that at first flitted like some distant dream before the eyes of Spain in the solemn halls of Salamanca, that gradually took on some faint reality beneath the walls of Granada, in the quiet port of Palos, that finally became fact on the newly found shores of San Salvador, in the shadow of the cross raised on American soil by the successful discoverer. The books, pamphlets, lectures, and articles written in this Columbian anniversary prove beyond a candid doubt that the discovery of America was eminently a religious enterprise, and that the desire to spread Christianity was, I will not say the only, but the principle motive that prompted the leaders engaged in that memorable venture. Before you can strip the discovery of its religious character, you must unchristen the Admiral’s flagship [Santa Maria] and tear from her bulwarks the painting of the patroness [the Virgin Mary], under whose auspices the gallant craft plowed her way through the terrors of the unknown ocean. HOMI November 1893, page 9.5


“The inspiration that gave the old world a new continent was also the cause of its colonization and civilization. Various popes from Alexander VII, 1493, to Leo XI, 1514, approved and legalized discovery and occupation in America. The purpose of their bulls was to prevent or settle difficulties and wars between rival claimants to the new lands. The indirect results of their intervention were of untold benefit to humanity. That intervention promoted the geographical study and knowledge of the globe, instigated Magelian’s voyage around the world, created the partition of the continent, and hence also the colonial system out of which this great nation is born.” HOMI November 1893, page 9.6

Thus the National Reformers see their fundamental argument appropriated by Rome and used to her sole advantage, and not one of them nor yet all of them together can successfully dispute it for a moment. And so we and they see fulfilled to-day that which we have told them all the time, that in all their efforts they were but playing into the hands of Rome. HOMI November 1893, page 9.7

The National Reform combination has always made the fallacious claim that the union of religion and the State is not the union of Church and State; and vice versa, the separation of Church and State does not mean the separation of the State from religion. This claim the Catholic Church now appropriates and declares:— HOMI November 1893, page 9.8

“We may truly say that with us separation of Church and State is not separation of the nation from religion.”—Id. HOMI November 1893, page 10.1

The National Reform combination has argued that Sunday laws, Thanksgiving proclamations, and other official documents of presidents and governors, laws which uphold “Christian marriage” by prohibiting polygamy, chaplains in army and navy, in Congress and legislatures, and decisions of courts that Christianity is part of the common law,—all prove that this is a Christian nation. All this also the Catholic Church has adopted as proof of her claims upon the nation. Professor O’Gorman continues:— HOMI November 1893, page 10.2

“Of what I should call the State’s Christianity, I give the following evidences:— HOMI November 1893, page 10.3

“Not only does the federal government make Sunday a legal day of rest for all its officials, but the States have Sunday laws which do not enforce any specific worship but do guard the day’s restfulness. Moreover, certain religious holydays are made legal holidays. HOMI November 1893, page 10.4

“Presidents and governors in official documents recognize the dependence of the nation on God and the duty of gratitude to him.... HOMI November 1893, page 10.5

“The action of Congress in regard to Mormonism is an upholding of the Christian marriage, and in all the States bigamy is a crime. Immorality is not allowed by the civil power to flaunt itself in public, but is driven to concealment, and the Decalogue, inasmuch as it relates to the social relations of man, is enforced. HOMI November 1893, page 10.6

“Celebrations of a public and official character, sessions of State legislatures and Congress are opened with prayer. Chaplains are appointed at public expense for Congress, the army, the navy, the military and naval academies, the State legislatures and institutions.... HOMI November 1893, page 10.7

“More than once it has been decided by courts that we are a Christian people, and that Christianity is part of our unwritten law, as it is part of the common law of England. HOMI November 1893, page 10.8

“Such, briefly, is the relation of Christianity to the American republic, when we consider only its internal life. Are we not justified in concluding that here Christianity has added to her domain a nation which is the most active, the most progressive, and not the least intellectual in this nineteenth century?” HOMI November 1893, page 10.9

The Supreme Court of the United States declared that “we are a Christian people” and that “this is a Christian nation.” This the Nation Reform combination hailed as containing “all that the National Reform Association seeks;” and this they have been using ever since as the official and ultimate authority that must settle every question and silence every word of doubt or dissent. As proofs of its declaration that “this is a Christian nation” and that this is the meaning of the Constitution, the Supreme Court not only cited the commission of Ferdinand and Isabella to Columbus, but also “the form of oath universally prevailing;” the laws respecting the observance of the Sabbath; the Constitutional proviso “that the Executive shall have ten days (Sunday excepted) within which to determine whether he will approve or veto a bill,” etc. This whole ground is covered in just two sentences by Professor O’Gorman with direct reference to the Constitution, as follows:— HOMI November 1893, page 10.10

“Our political charter presupposes God and Christianity, presupposes the main facts and the past history of Christianity, and is bound to them by discovery and colonization. The oath required from all officers of the federal government, the exemption of Sunday from their working days, the subscription “In the year of our Lord” are a recognition of God, and imply that the Lord Jesus Christ is the turning point of humanity, the source and beginning of a new order.” HOMI November 1893, page 10.11

The Supreme Court also cited the Declaration of Independence as proof that this is a Christian nation. Professor O’Gorman follows even to the same extreme and then declares that the Catholic Church is the foundation of it all. Here are his words:— HOMI November 1893, page 10.12

“Look at the fundamental articles, the formative principles of the republic—‘All men are created equal; they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; to secure these, just governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.’ These are Christian principles asserting God, creation, the rights of the creature, and by implication the duties that are correlative to those rights. To these principles the Catholic Church gave an impregnable foundation when in the council of Trent, she defined that reason is not totally obscured and will is not totally depraved.” HOMI November 1893, page 10.13

Then in his closing sentences he sums up all, covers the whole ground, and swallows up everything into the Catholic Church, as follows:— HOMI November 1893, page 10.14

“Our roots are in the good, our up-growth must needs be toward the better. The affirmation of any one truth, logically followed out, leads to the knowledge and affirmation of certain fundamental evident truths of reason; our dominant tendency, therefore, the law of our progression, is toward complete truth, if we but remain true to the spirit that called us into being, and still, thank God, animates our present living. HOMI November 1893, page 10.15

“We believe that Divine Providence led to the discovery of this Continent and directed its settlement and guided the birth of this nation, for a new and more complete application to political society of the truths affirmed by reason and Christian revelation, for the upbuilding of a nation as great religiously as it is politically, of a nation that shall find its perfection in Catholic Christianity. With that freedom allowed every speaker in this parliament of religions, I affirm my sincere conviction that Catholic Christianity is the fullness of truth, natural and supernatural, rational and revealed, that Catholic Christianity is the strongest bulwark of law and order in this republic. If ever our country should fail and fall, it is not from the Catholic Church that shall come the shout of triumph at the failure and the fall, for never has she had a fairer field of work than the United States of America.” HOMI November 1893, page 10.16

Thus Rome sets herself forward as the end and all, and hers the prior and supreme right, in all things pertaining to this union of “religion and the State,” in this “Christian nation.” And the blindness of professed Protestants and of the Supreme Court has given her the complete legal, legislative, and governmental basis for all her claims. And we say again that there is not one person in the National Reform combination, nor in the whole combination together; not one member of the Supreme Court, nor yet the whole court together; who can successfully dispute the argument or the claim Rome is now making upon the foundation which they themselves have so surely laid for her. And so we and they see fulfilled to-day before the eyes of the whole nation, that which we have all the time told them, that they were only playing into the hands of Rome. To-day Rome is profiting by that in which the National Reformers have always fondly hoped they themselves might be profited. HOMI November 1893, page 11.1

And beyond all this, but simply the consequence of it all, the Catholic Church is circulating official documents in the United States in which she openly announces the “collapse of Protestantism,” and her hope to “missionize” the United States “in half a decade;” and at the same time abruptly challenges all Protestants to show why they keep Sunday; and to cap it all she publishes to the people of the United States, the following, which she herself pronounces “bold doctrines to preach to Americans:”— HOMI November 1893, page 11.2

“The friends of Catholicity assure us that, as God in his Providence creates a new soul for every human body that is born into the world, so the American Republic was no sooner born from the womb of time than he in like manner created a spiritual republic to be its companion, its protector, and infallible guide through all the years of its existence. HOMI November 1893, page 11.3

“They tell us furthermore that as the soul can live without the body, but the body cannot live without the soul; so the church can live without the republic, but the republic cannot live without the church. In a word, that the church is necessary to the republic, and without her spiritual guidance the republic must inevitably fall as have all the ancient republics of history before her.... HOMI November 1893, page 11.4

“Is not this whole country stamped for a Catholic land? With the great doctor, St. Augustine, guarding the Atlantic coast, and the heroic missionary, San Francisco, the Pacific; with the indomitable apostle, St. Paul, kindling zeal and enthusiasm in the North, and the gentle San Antonio inspiring love and peace in the South; with the Warrior King, St. Louis, in the center, and the great St. Joseph and Notre Dame, the gracious queen of heaven, hard by,—with all these powerful intercessors pleading for her, can we, I say, expect anything less than a glorious triumph for Catholicity in America? HOMI November 1893, page 11.5

“Surely God’s plans are manifest. America is the last and greatest of nations; and he means to possess her for himself.... The nets of St. Peter will drag this continent from ocean to ocean, till they are filled to breaking with the souls of men that shall be saved.”—The Catholic Church and the American Republic, Historically, Analytically, and Prophetically Considered, 1893, pp. 2, 3, 15, 16. HOMI November 1893, page 11.6

No more proofs are needed to show that upon the basis of the arguments furnished, and the governmental actions secured, by the National Reform combination, the Catholic Church now claims, and with all her native arrogance assumes, actual possession of our country. With the mouths of the Protestants, and Congress, and the Supreme Court, and the Executive, completely stopped by their own arguments and actions flaunted in their faces and before the whole country by the Catholic Church, our country to-day is practically held by the Catholic Church, and is therefore practically a Catholic country. This is OUR COUNTRY as it stands to-day. HOMI November 1893, page 11.7

What then as to HOMI November 1893, page 11.8


Well, standing as we do, face to face with the beast, seeing his mischievous workings and hearing his loud and arrogant declarations; seeing before our very eyes the plain workings of the beast not only on his own part, but also through his image,—apostate Protestantism,—which is still blindly aiding and abetting the beast, which is now even more than ever the mere tool of the beast,—seeing all this, and standing in the very presence of it all, what is there left to do, what else can possibly be done, than unitedly to lift up the “loud voice:”— HOMI November 1893, page 11.9

“If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” HOMI November 1893, page 11.10

What is there left for us to do, and what else can possibly be done by any Seventh-day Adventist, than to receive that “great power” which is now descending from above, to arise and shine with that light and glory which is to lighten the whole earth, and all go forth crying “mightily with a strong voice:”— HOMI November 1893, page 11.11

“Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.... Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.... and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” Revelation 18:1-8. HOMI November 1893, page 11.12

This is all that can be done by any one henceforth who would give the third angel’s message; for this is the third angel’s message. It is true, this will cause the lines to be clearly drawn between us and every earthly interest and every worldy thing. It is true this will make the distinction appear clear-cut and positive between the worshipers of God and those who worship the beast and his image; between those who will receive the seal of the living God, and those who will receive the mark of the beast; between those who will wear the sign of salvation of Jesus Christ alone through faith alone, and those who will wear the sign of salvation by the Catholic Church alone through force alone; between those who will keep the Sabbath of the Lord, and those who keep the Sunday. HOMI November 1893, page 11.13

This is all true, and is it not time that this distinction was being made and clearly seen by the power of God and his truth? The beast and his image are drawing this line already. Is it not time that the power of the third angel’s message was drawing the line also? The National Reform combination, the image of the beast, never hesitates a moment to class with the Seventh-day Adventists everybody who protests against their evil work. And the Catholic Church—the beast—also now draws the line between herself and the Seventh-day Adventists, and openly declares to all Protestants that they must take their stand with the Seventh-day Adventists, or must stand with her; and that there is no other alternative for them without their standing in an attitude which is “indefensible, self-contradictory, and suicidal.” HOMI November 1893, page 12.1

Well then, seeing that both the beast and his image are drawing the line which it is the express object of the third angel’s message to draw, and are making the distinction which it is the express object of the third angel’s message to make, is it not high time that the people to whom this wonderful message is committed were so baptized into the Spirit, and clothed with the power of this glorious message, that the message itself shall do the work assigned to it, and have the glory and the honor and the distinction and the power that belongs to it? Shall the great enemy of this message and of all righteousness, do more to mark the distinction between the two great sides in this great controversy than the message itself shall be allowed to do? Shall the beast and his image be allowed to do more in making the distinction between their worshipers and the worshipers of God, than the people do to whom this awful message has been committed? Since Satan and the beast and his image are now doing the very work in this respect, that it is the rightful office of the third angel’s message itself to do, and since this message is not allowed to do its appointed work because of the blindness and the slackness of the people who profess to be giving that message, how much longer is it possible for the Lord to wait upon this people? O will this people ever awake? Will they ever arouse to the mighty work which is going on before our very eyes? Nearly two years ago there came this solemn word: “If any delay, the character of God and his throne will be compromised.” Shall the character of God and his throne be put yet further to the risk, shall these be indeed compromised, in waiting longer upon a people who will not awake nor come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty? HOMI November 1893, page 12.2

What, then, are— HOMI November 1893, page 12.3


This is indeed an all-important question. From the evidences already presented it is clear that so far as “our country” is concerned, our relations to it are practically only our relations to the Catholic Church and apostate Protestantism—to the beast and his image. HOMI November 1893, page 12.4

As for our relations to the third angel’s message, this can be discovered and decided only by each individual for himself alone before God, for our relations to the third angel’s message are simply our relations to God. HOMI November 1893, page 12.5

It is easy enough to tell what our relations ought to be to the third angel’s message. To tell what these relations are is another matter. The relation of every one who bears the name of Seventh-day Adventist to the third angel’s message, ought to be just this: To be completely severed from everything of earth and of earthliness, from everything of the world and of worldliness. To be consecrated, all that he is and all that he has, wholly to the Lord. To have everything on the altar,—self, property, children, and all,—earnestly inquiring of God for a knowledge of his will, watching and waiting for the answer; constantly saying, “Here am I, Lord, send me;” and ready on the instant to go to the ends of the earth when the call is made, to bear to all nations this blessed gospel of the kingdom, for a witness to all nations, that the end may come. HOMI November 1893, page 12.6

This, and this only, is the relation which every person who bears the name of Seventh-day Adventist should bear to the third angel’s message. What your relations really are to this message must be decided by yourself and for yourself before God. HOMI November 1893, page 12.7

And above all things, be diligent in making this all-important inquiry; for there is but a very short time remaining in which to do it. HOMI November 1893, page 12.8