The Cross and its Shadow


Unto 2300 Days Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. Daniel 8:14

In 1844 the great Court from which there is no appeal convened in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. CIS 197.1

This wonderful prophecy of two thousand three hundred years began with the restoration of God’s people to their earthly possessions, and the rebuilding of the holy city Jerusalem; but again the Jews proved unfaithful to their trust, and the land of promise with the holy city passed from their control into the hands of the heathen. CIS 197.2

The coming of Christ and His death on Calvary, like a great seal, fixes definitely the entire prophecy, and insures the inheritance of the earth to the faithful; and the judgment which opened at the close of that wonderful period of prophetic time will give to the faithful a “court title” to the eternal inheritance and the city of God, the New Jerusalem. CIS 197.3