The Church: Its Organization, Order and Discipline


Talents God’s Property

In a Testimony dated Sept. 19, 1895, the following remarks are found, based on the foregoing scriptures: “Let no plans or methods be brought into any of our institutions that will place mind or talent under the control of human judgment, for this is not in God’s order. God has given to man talents or influence which belong to him alone and no greater dishonor can be done to God than for one finite agent to purchase from men their God-given talent, or the product of such talent, to be absolutely under his control, even though the benefits of the same be used to the advantage of the cause. In such arrangements, one man’s mind is ruled by another man’s mind, and the human agent is separated from God, and exposed to temptations. Satan’s methods tend to one end,-to make men the slaves of men. And when this is done, confusion and distrust, jealousies and evil surmisings are the result. Such a course destroys man’s faith in God, and in the principles which are to control his work, to purge from guilt and from every species of selfishness and hypocrisy.” COOD 145.2