The Church: Its Organization, Order and Discipline


Choosing and Ordaining Church Officers

Concerning the church in apostolic times we quote: “The church was in danger in the apostles’ day of being imposed upon and deceived by false teachers. Therefore the brethren chose men who had given good evidence that they were capable of ruling well their own house and preserving order in their own families, and who could enlighten those who were in darkness. Inquiry was made of God concerning them, and then, according to the mind of the church and Holy Ghost, they were set apart by the laying on of hands. Having received their commission from God, and having the approbation of the church, they went forth baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and administering the ordinances of the Lord’s house, often waiting upon the saints by presenting them the emblems of the broken body and spilt blood of the crucified Saviour, to keep fresh in the memory of God’s beloved children his sufferings and death.”-“Early Writings,” Supplement to “Experience and Views,” pages 15, 16. COOD 69.1