The Church: Its Organization, Order and Discipline


Express Sympathy for the Erring

Again we read: “If a person is in error, be the more kind to him; if you are not courteous, you may drive him away from Christ. Let every word you speak, even the tones of your voice, express interest in, and sympathy for, the souls that are in peril. If you are harsh, denunciatory, and impatient with them, you are doing the work of the enemy. You are opening a door of temptation to them, and Satan will represent you to them as one who knows not the Lord Jesus. They will think their own way is right, and that they are better than you. How, then, can you win the erring?”-“Special Testimonies,” No. 1, page II. COOD 55.1

“If the truth spoken in the demonstration of the Spirit, does not cut away the idols, it will be of no avail to denounce, and bear down upon the individual. It may appear that some are joined to their idols, yet I saw that we should be very reluctant to give up the poor, deceived ones. We should ever bear in mind that we are all erring mortals, and that Christ exercises much pity for our weakness, and loves us although we err. If God should deal with us as we often deal with one another, we should be consumed. While ministers preach the plain, cutting truth, they must let the truth do the cutting, and hewing, not do it themselves. They should lay the ax, the truths of God’s Word, at the root of the tree, and something will be accomplished. Pour out the testimony just as straight as it is found in the word of God, with a heart full of the warming, quickening influences of his Spirit, all in tenderness, yearning for souls, and the work among God’s people will be effectual.”-Testimonies for the Church 1:383. COOD 55.2