EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Amusement lovers - Aner

Amusement lovers

eternity is out of reckoning of 6T 407

to be destroyed with great apostate 6T 407

we cannot unite with, and resist temptation MYP 366

Amusement-loving propensities

Amusement-loving propensities, discard MYP 42

Amusement question

Amusement question 2T 137-8

at Battle Creek College 1SM 131, 136-7

study carefully FE 302

Amusing ourselves

Amusing ourselves, methods of CT 549


Anak, father of Canaanite giants PP 388, 697; 4aSG 22; 4T 148


Anakim, Canaanite giants PP 511-3


Ananias, high priest AA 411, 414; 6BC 1065


minister in Damascus AA 121-2, 126, 159; EW 200-1; SR 272-3, 278; 3T 430-1, 433

Paul baptized by 6BC 1058

Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias and Sapphira AA 71-6, 80; COL 73; CS 312-4; GC 44; ML 331; MM 126-7; 2SM 217; SR 255; 1T 202, 221, 529; 2T 128; 4T 462-3, 469-70; 5T 103, 148-50


in church, views leading to 4T 19

in infidel France SD 54

rejection of Reformation led to GC 230

Sabbathkeepers will be denounced as causing GC 592

seeds of, sown in Christian families 4T 204

seeks to sweep away all law Ed 228

spirit of, permeates all nations PP 102

transgression of God’s law leads to Ed 100; GC 282, 585

world threatened with PP 536

world’s problem of, peaceful solution to Ed 44


Anathemas of pope against pope GC 86, 103-4; TM 250


Anathoth PK 466-71


Anatomy, study, with physiology FE 71-2; MM 221


Ancestors, disease bequeathed by CH 49; Te 174


Christ taking possession of soul OHC 332:2

Christ’s righteousness as 1SM 348

Christian principles as 2T 129, 501

doubters drift without 4T 584

fasten, to God’s law MM 123

find place for, in Jesus Christ UL 377:4

firm in Christ despite clouds and storms HP 127:5

hope in Christ’s resurrection as DA 794

hope in God as 1T 566

promise of, in trials when we go to God TMK 279:5

“It is written” as 6T 160-1

Joseph’s, loyalty to God Ed 54

man at sea without 2T 303-4

present truth as 2T 90, 304; 3T 226; 4T 368

that holds us firm in storm 2SM 58

three angels’ messages as, to God’s people EW 256


Anchorage, safe, in Christ CT 453


firmly on eternal truth, Satan deludes persons not Ev 609

in Christ, believers who are not Ev 599

securely in Christ, your safety is 9T 187

surface readers nowhere, in shaking time TM 112

Ancient History

Ancient History, by Chas. Rollin GC 364

Ancient of Days

Ancient of Days, God the Father GC 479-80

Anderson, Christopher

Anderson, Christopher, quoted GC 246


and lad with five barley loaves DA 365; MH 45

called to discipleship DA 138-9, 141; Ed 85-7

ordained as apostle DA 292

Peter brought to Christ by DA 139; Ed 87

sent forth as fisher of men DA 246-9, 273

Andrews, Angeline

Andrews, Angeline WM 324

Andrews, Edward

Andrews, Edward 1SM 206-7

Andrews, J. N.

counsel of, rejected by fellow minister 1T 625

delayed too long with book; improvements could be later 3SM 97:2

Europe’s delegate to Gen. Conf. in 1878 LS 238; 4T 301-2

fitted in 1849 for future usefulness LS 127; 2SG 117

funds needed by, for miss. work 5T 205

gospel worker tried and true 1T 625

letter of encouragement to UL 102

mistake made by 2T 643

not to be burdened with sale of publications 1T 688

one of ablest SDA ministers 1T 625

plans for More (Hannah) endorsed by 1T 669

prayer of, for JW and EGW 1T 185, 596

prostrated by God’s power in 1856 2SG 221

quoted GC 437-8

son of, gifts sent by EGW to WM 324

travels and labors of LS 171, 178-9, 185; 2SG 117, 221; 1SM 144-5; 1T 608, 612, 621-2, 643, 654-61, 665, 675; 2T 10, 12-4, 411; WM 324

visit of, enjoyed by the Whites 3SM 262:1

voting for temperance men was favored by 2SM 337; Te 255

See also “History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week”

Andrews University

Andrews University See Emmanuel Missionary College

Anecdote, Anecdotes

amusing, used to play on feelings 6BC 1091

detract from:

force and solemnity of truth Ev 640

sacredness of God’s word Ev 208-9

humorous, out of place in pulpit Ev 208-9, 641; GW 166; 1T 649; 3T 233

inappropriate, do not convict sinners GW 155

irrelevant, in sermons avoid GW 166

long-drawn-out sermons made up largely of TM 336

man whose mind was crammed with 4T 497-8

minister to avoid; preach the Word VSS 346:2

ministers should not relate, to amuse Ev 207; 1SM 157; 1T 649

ministers who find no time to relate 1SM 157

please ear but leave no lasting impression 1T 447

pulpit no place for Ev 207-9, 640, 643; TM 142, 318

sensational revivalists rely on 4T 74

sermons should not have VSS 272:3

use of, that is severely censurable Ev 640


Aner, Amorite ruler PP 134-5