EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)



Zacchaeus - Zwingli, Ulric


Zacchaeus, publican COL 236; DA 552-6


Zacharias, John the Baptist’s father 5BC 1114; CD 225; CG 22-3; DA 44, 97-100, 133, 219, 231; Te 269-70, 292


Zacharias, prophet martyr DA 619


Zadok, high priest PP 735, 749


Zalmunna, Midianite prince PP 553


Zarephath PK 130; 3T 274; 6T 345

widow of AA 416, 430-1; DA 238; PK 129-31, 168; 2T 29; 3T 274, 288; 6T 345


Zeal, activity and, should go together 3T 217

aids in pastor’s work GW 183

apostles’, in witnessing for truth Ev 698

apostolic church’s, an encouragement to believers of every age AA 578-80

ardent, needed to stir up sluggish energies of God’s people MYP 25

ardent gospel worker’s, in God’s service 2T 282

balance, with sound judgment LS 214

Barnabas’s, in sowing seeds of truth AA 186

becoming, God requires of His people 7BC 966

pull souls out of fire with 1T 152

blind, King Saul’s PP 626; 4aSG 71-2

blind and bigoted, manifested by some people in 1844 GC 395

under second angel’s message SR 368

burning, is not manifested to lift up Christ 1SM 316

cannot atone for sins of past PK 405

chilled by formality, worldly pride, ambition, and love of self 9T 155

Christ’s, for God’s glory SC 59

never led Him to become passionate Ev 636

Christ’s example of, in saving souls 5T 161

Christian 2T 232-5

as result of consecration to God 2T 234

does not act for sake of being seen 2T 233

does not exhaust itself in talk 2T 233

feels and acts with vigor and efficiency 2T 233

fruits of 2T 233

heart that is aglow with 2T 234

is controlled by principle 2T 232

is manifested by doing something 2T 233

is not spasmodic 2T 232

leads to earnest prayer and humiliation 2T 233

leads to faithfulness in home duties 2T 233

that will impress people who see it 9T 108

Christian needs, more than ever in struggle for eternal life AA 311

Christless, cannot supply lack of love in religious experience MB 126

Christlike activity pursued with persevering, brings large returns TM 205

church’s, today should exceed that of apostolic times 7T 33

church’s piety is proportionate to its 4BC 1148

consecration of, necessary for faithful service TMK 122:3

dealing with, which will provoke those who hate truth TDG 250:2

decaying, remedy for 4T 535-6

declension in holy, in church of Ephesus 7BC 956

decrease of, not to be allowed UL 71:5

disconnected from Christ is valueless 1SM 346

do not let, flag because of difficulties MM 325

enthusiastic, needed to persuade men to accept Christ MYP 25

erroneous idea of, caution against Ev 502

essential, in gospel work AA 515

to advance God’s cause OHC 282:2

to success 4T 439

evil surmising and selfishness which destroy TDG 343:7

false: accompanying new theories TM 411

may seem to be sincere for God’s honor 3T 353

much, will be met in miss. work CH 502

passes for jealousy for God’s cause TM 186

you will meet much CH 34

far greater, promises and opportunities and privileges that should inspire 7T 221-2

fervent, fire as symbol of SR 242

minister needs 2T 337

fiery, mistaken for religion is fanaticism 5T 305

for Christ TM 400-4

soul that is aglow with CH 508

for God’s glory is motive implanted by Spirit DA 409

for God’s service should never grow less 8T 27

for truth does not come without effort 5T 287

fraud and guile will bear semblance of, for truth TM 366, 494

fruit lacking while expressing TMK 133:3

furious, does no good to anyone 4T 486

God’s means of throwing, into effort TM 454

God’s people do not show enough Ev 169-70; 6T 417

great, King Saul’s suppression of idolatry and witchcraft with PP 635

greater: by strict adherence to laws of health TMK 313:4

needed in carrying truth to foreign lands TM 194-5

needed in God’s work TM 195

words that do not spur others to 3T 108

hardiness of your, will testify to measure of your faith TM 400

holy: apostles labored with 7T 33

God’s people kindled with fire of, in closing work CM 154-5

inspiring Joshua was communicated to people PP 523

needed in med. miss. work WM 132

of God’s servants in time of persecution GC 608-9

important in coming crisis but avoid defiance 3SM 405:1

increase in, needed, UL 34:4

as wickedness increases TDG 229:5

near the time of Christ’s return TMK 114:4

intelligent, needed in gospel work LS 214

Israel’s, that is worthy of imitation PP 344

Jehu-like, ministers who have TM 55, 333

warning against TM 55

King Saul’s: in forms of religion PP 622

that was sinful PP 624-5

was more for self than for God PP 624

labor with divine, to add converts to truth 1SM 84

lack of, in proclaiming third angel’s message 8T 119

leaders to show; other torches will be kindled PM 264:2

let, come into your life MM 214

light of those claiming advanced truth seen in RC 206:6

man (men) of, God calls for GW 469

manifest, in studying plan of salvation FE 170

manifested by men striving for possessions 1T 143

manifested in religious ceremonies, that God will not accept PP 634

mark of subjects of the cross TMK 219:5

Martha’s, is needed in active religious work DA 525

mingling with world destroys 1T 274

ministers should show, in work for lost souls GW 32

ministry rather than preaching to be object of VSS 232:2

misdirected, in helping the poor WM 210

missionary See Missionary zeal

miss. field needs 9T 119

mistaken for conscientiousness 1T 356

moved apostles to witness to truth with mighty power AA 600; ML 61; 8T 22

must be intensified 5T 383

must possess intensity and earnestness 1T 143

needed among ministers 2T 335

needed for God because of abounding iniquity 5T 524

needed in: church Ev 414

God’s work 6BC 1088-9; EW 74

never yet reached in God’s work is needed 5T 717

noisy, blind in its operation and destructive in result 2T 232

without aim or purpose 2T 232

not according to knowledge 2SM 59; 1T 165; 2T 110; 4T 489

now is opportunity to show, for God 6T 440

of Jewish priests and elders 2T 452

others to feel influence of your 3SM 150:3

outward, cultivated by some people neglecting secret prayer 3T 116

do not cultivate merely 2T 673

Paul’s: before conversion 1SM 346

in gospel work at Corinth AA 250

in sowing seeds of truth AA 186

rebukes ministers’ slothfulness and lack of faith AA 465-6

there seemed to be no limit to AA 488

personal effort for souls brings TDG 211:5

Peter’s, after his conversion was regulated Christ’s grace DA 812

Pharisees showed, for religion by making it theme of discussion MH 32

pleasures that lessen, to be shunned TMK 311:4

prayer for heavenly riches should be characterized by CS 149

prepare for eternity with 2T 268

rash, is unbecoming and positively disgusting 2T 134

rebels actuated by mistaken, for God PP 396-7

redirect, for higher than worldly objects TMK 91:3

religious, manifest by men warring against God’s law 2T 452

sanctified: God’s agents need 6T 396

many people look to see in SDA deep and earnest Ev 170

truth in Christ should inspire men with TM 80

Satan accuses commandment keepers with angry TMK 355:3

Satan’s, some among SDA will work under TM 412

self-consuming, no other toiled as did Christ with MH 51

self-sacrificing, work for others arouses MH 151; 8T 147; 9T 118

should be: deep, earnest, sanctified 6T 417

warmest when God’s law is most despised 5T 136

should be proportionate to: importance of truth 6T 111

value of object pursued 1T 160; 5T 570

your knowledge of truth of Rev. 18:1-6 8T 118

should correspond to light given 5T 717

should fire hearts to tell: message of truth Ev 698

of Christ’s love AA 600

show of, minister’s failure to cultivate spirituality with 3T 217

shown by one realizing that Christ is his Saviour RC 21:4

some ministers’, often fails after measure of success 4T 68

spasmodic, manifest in battle 8T 150

that is like flashing meteor TM 255

spiritual, earthly desires must not overcome AA 314

many believers are losing TM 449

spread light with Ev 702-3; 6T 403; 9T 122-3

suffering from, but not wrong because future was unknown RY 75:1

tempered with reason is needed in God’s work 7T 298

that should fire hearts of God’s people AA 600; ML 61; 8T 22

that should not be manifest in prayer for sick 2T 147-8

too much, warning against DA 362

truth to inspire; caution against declaiming fanaticism PM 111:0

unflagging: God calls for men with PK 263

is important in Christ’s service AA 309

labor for God with GW 27; TM 459

needed in gospel work 9T 25

needed in SDA institutions 2SM 191

needed; time is short PM 309:0

untiring, give light of present truth with 9T 60

waned in early church AA 580

warmest, shown when the world despises and forsakes right TMK 352:4

wisdom needed to manage, in church Ev 414

without pure and disinterested love is nothing 2T 169

working to help difficult people requires TDG 79:5

worldly 2T 234

See also Ardor; Earnestness; Enthusiasm; Fervor; Sincerity

Zealot, Zealots

Zealot, Zealots, religious, Christ suffered at hands of 7BC 907

Paul as 1SM 214-5

Zealous gospel workers

Zealous gospel workers, need to learn at Christ’s feet TM 346

Zealous person, Zealous persons

Zealous person, Zealous persons, straining for originality 1SM 180; 2SM 13


Zebah, Midianite prince PP 553


Zebedee, two sons of, request in behalf of 2T 32

Zebulun, tribe of

Zebulun, tribe of PP 548


Zechariah, prophet DA 569; GC 405, 600, 657; MH 148; PK 573-81, 599, 691, 695

prophecies of, parables and symbols in PK 580-1

3 and 4 understood in judgment UL 203:5


Zedekiah, false prophet in Jeremiah’s time PK 442, 447; 4T 173-4


Zedekiah, last king of Judah 2BC 1040; PK 422-3, 439-59; 4T 181-4


Zeeb, Midianite prince PP 554


Zephaniah, prophet PK 364-5, 389-91, 445

Jeremiah cited PK 445; 4T 170


Zephyrs, soul surrounded by heavenly FLB 235:6


Zerah, Ethiopian PK 110-2

Zered brook

Zered brook PP 433


Zerubbabel, governor of Jerusalem 4BC 1179; PK 559-60, 567-9, 575-8, 593-7

was descendant of David PK 559-60


Zidon See Sidon


Zidonians See Sidonians


Ziklag PP 673, 690-6


Zimri, Israelite prince slain by Phinehas PP 455


Zimri, king of Israel PK 110


Zin, wilderness of PP 410; 4aSG 38


Zinzendorf, Count Nicholas L. von Ed 254


Zion, light of, penetrating when she arises TMK 273:4

sinners now in, as anciently 2T 446

sinners sifted out of UL 356:5

skirts of, help persons hanging onto 2T 76-7

time coming to favor; God has provided TDG 356:4

watchman on walls of, in sin TSB 152

Zion, Mt.

Zion, Mt., Canaanites fortified PP 703

David’s stronghold on DA 829; PP 704

Solomon’s temple built on PK 459

Roman ruler sat on DA 103

Zion, Mt.

Zion, Mt., in new earth EW 19; 2SG 54; 1T 68-9; 5T 475-6


Ziph, wilderness of PP 660-1, 668


Ziphites 2BC 1021; PP 661, 668


Zipporah, Moses’ wife 1BC 1113; PP 247, 256, 300, 382-4; 3SG 195-6; 4aSG 19-20

complexion of 1BC 1113; PP 383; 4aSG 19

Midianite descendant of Abraham PP 383


Ziska, blind Bohemian general GC 116


Zoar PP 161, 167


Zophim, at top of Pisgah 4aSG 46


Zorah PP 560, 562-3, 565

not far from vale of Sorek PP 565

Zurich. Council of

Zurich. Council of, in time of Zwingli (Ulric) GC 180-2

Zurich, Switz.

Zurich, Switz. GC 176-81


Zwieback CD 491; MH 301, 321

Zwingli, Ulric

Zwingli, Ulric AA 598; GC 171-84, 212, 231, 249; SR 339