EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)

Suffering child - Sunday observance

Suffering child

Suffering child, Christ’s hand outstretched in pitying tenderness to every MH 249

Suffering humanity

Suffering humanity, all heaven is interested in work of relieving CH 532

angels are near persons who minister to GW 213

Christ identifies Himself with 3T 173, 391, 518

Christ identifies His interest in WM 23-6, 214

compassion for: cultivate ML 230

need of 5T 113

show ML 224

dignity is not lowered by ministering to COL 382

God has made it a duty to relieve AH 383

God identifies His interests with 4T 368, 511

great work to be done for, by use of natural agencies 6T 224

help needed by, everywhere ML 118; 2SM 323

love revealed for, gives truth meaning and power WM 32

needs of, not to be neglected on the Sabbath 7T 106

obligations to bless, will meet with willing response 4T 568

sympathy for, cultivate ML 230

try to relieve WM 273

wants of, results of showing interest in WM 192-3

work as Christ did for MM 311

Suffering need

Suffering need, every person in, is your neighbor ML 232

Suffering neighbor

Suffering neighbor, to leave, unrelieved is breach of God’s law SD 52

Suffering people

Suffering people, Christ unites His interest with His PP 535

Christ’s, identified with Him 2T 25-6

God is full of compassion for His 2SM 231

God’s, duty of the wealthy to DA 639

succor 4T 511

men’s destiny in judgment will be determined by what they have done for DA 637

Suffering person, Suffering persons

Suffering person, Suffering persons, angels are welcomed when you open your door to DA 639

care for every SD 52; WM 45

Christ is ministered to in person of DA 637

Christ’s love for DA 162-3

Christ’s sympathy for DA 87, 162-3

Christian’s duty to comfort DA 350

claims of, men prove themselves traitors to Christ by slighting MB 137

compassion for, God demands SD 271

compassionate acts to, practical demonstrations of benevolence by 4T 60

dignity not lowered by ministering to COL 382; 6T 279

feeblest cry of, never reached Christ’s ear in vain FE 265

God’s stewards have failed to relieve WM 16

God’s word contains gracious promises for CH 213

grand work of ministering to, church is entrusted with CS 164

heavenly agencies and, human agent must never interpose between MM 116

help WM 70

in need, Christian’s duty to help CS 46-7

indifference to, is indifference to Christ CS 27

love to God will be shown by mercy to WM 49

many, among people who know not truth CH 506

merciful act done to, is as if done to Christ ChS 268; 2T 25-6

mercy for, God is ever on side of 3T 518

love to God is shown by ML 232

ministry to, service most pleasing to Christ is CS 161

necessities of, systematic benevolence was arranged by God to relieve 3T 548

never pass by one, without seeking to help him COL 387-8

people who have means should use them for relieving PP 535

physician’s opportunity to give spiritual help to 5T 444

pity for, God is ever on side of 3T 518

prayers for, refresh them CH 535

present, to Christ in arms of your faith DA 824

relieve AH 370; MYP 314

as far as possible 4T 226-7

selfish neglect of caring for, God’s law forbids PP 308

sustained by testimony of John the Baptist’s life Ed 158

sympathy for, God is ever on side of 3T 518

practical demonstrations of benevolence by 4T 60

they minister who relieve DA 822

visit ML 233; WM 70

when you meet, give them help MM 263

who suffer most, have most of Christ’s sympathy and pity MH 249

work of ministering to, entrusted to church WM 214

Suffering poor person, Suffering poor persons

Suffering poor person, Suffering poor persons, neglect of, is neglect of Christ 4T 620

retribution for people who rob God by withholding from 4T 620


Sufficiency, image of God’s, church must present to world TM 17

of God’s people, is in Christ alone COL 161; 6T 319

is in Him WM 280

Paul’s, was in Spirit’s presence AA 251

too much lofty, in human agent TM 326

See also Self-sufficiency


Suffrage, profession of religion as condition of, in American colonies GC 297


1. Milk and

2. Miscellaneous


1. Milk and

ill effects of: brain injured 2T 370

digestive organs irritated 2T 370

fermentation in stomach CH 154

impurities imparted to system 2T 369

system clogged 2T 370

large amount of: ill effects of 2T 370

injurious 2T 369

more harmful than flesh foods 2T 369

on mush is harmful CH 154

moderate amount of, suggested for pregnant woman 2T 384

only nourishment in cup of coffee or tea CD 425

with eggs as chief ingredient in custards and puddings is harmful MH 301

2. Miscellaneous 2T 368-9

applesauce sweetened with CD 330

discarding of 3T 21

Health Reformer unwisely advocated 3T 19

far too much, ordinarily used MH 301

entire discarding of, warning against extreme view re 3T 19-20

time has not come for CD 330, 356

free use of, avoid MH 302

frequently causes disease CH 154

injures health 3T 21

ill effects of: brain beclouded CD 327

fermentation in stomach CD 327

peevishness of disposition CD 327

system clogged CH 154; 2T 369

working of living machine hindered 2T 369

immoderate eating of man given to 2T 369-70

large amount of, man who ate 2T 369-70

more injurious than flesh food 2T 370

leave out, in making crackers CD 321

man who tried to make, supply place of good cooking 2T 370

man who used, instead of flesh food 2T 369

not a substitute for flesh foods 2T 369-70

people who can get along better without 3T 21

some, EGW never denounced use of CD 356

EGW used CD 330, 356

use a little, in canning fruit MH 299

use less, in hot climate CD 95; MM 296

EGW did not have, on table CD 330

See also Cake; Candy; Dessert; Ice cream; Pie; Sweets; Sweetmeat


stomach hurt by; fermentation clouds the brain 2MCP 391:3

Suggestion, Suggestions

Suggestion, Suggestions, awakening distrust in other people’s minds, throw no ML 235

blind, that fill minds with suspicion and disgust 7BC 940

evil, Satan makes OHC 88:3

impure: forsake society of persons who breathe 5T 146

woman who permits AH 333

See also Impure suggestion

impure and covert, do not for one moment give place to 5T 146-7

stains soul as impure water defiles channel 5T 147

kindly, reacts upon its author Ed 213

mother should not adopt other people’s, without thought and discrimination CG 32

polluting mind 2SM 166-7

put by Satan into people’s mouths, do not listen to MM 43

rankling in hearts, apparently innocent words that are as 7BC 940

Satan makes, to fill drifting mind MYP 42

Satan puts, into minds EW 267

Satan’s: false prophets prompted by 2SM 76

how to render, powerless 2T 319

result of choosing to open door to SC 119

steadfastly resist 1T 428

that sinners stay away from Christ until they make themselves better COL 205; PK 320

undue familiarity that opens door for 2T 301

unbelievers’, God’s work must not be directed by LS 322

wily, insinuated into minds by Satan 3T 343

youth are quick to respond to Ed 212

Suicidal course

Suicidal course, continuance in self-indulgence is CD 131


Suicide, Ahithophel died by PP 744

by overwork, JW warned against 1T 520

careless gratification of self leads to Ev 26

doctrine that man goes to heaven immediately at death has led many people to commit GC 539

fanatic who committed LS 87

gradual, is great sin CG 444-5

wrong habits and practices cause CG 444-5

immature marriage leads some people to commit 5T 111

in cities 2SM 356

every day brings record of MH 363

increase of, every day testifies to MH 143; PK 275; 9T 89

instantaneous, is great sin CG 444-5

Judas Iscariot died by, hanging himself DA 722

King Saul died by PP 682

many people seek to end their unprofitable lives by TM 457

ministers who slowly commit, by improper manner of public speaking 4T 404

Philippian jailer attempted AA 215-6

See also Self-murder


feelings leading to, are not sanctified VSS 186:1

threat of,

by one living in sin; murder would be added TSB 143:4

own soul not to be endangered in appeasing TSB 78:1


Sullenness, children use, on parents in order to have their own way CG 284

spirit of, warning against 2BC 1018

Sum, Sums

Sum, Sums, false religion teaches that selfish pleasure is, of happiness WM 172

faithful performance of the littles composes, of happiness 2T 700

little attentions do much to make, of life’s happiness PP 158; 2T 133

little things that make up, of life’s happiness 2T 133

small, saved by sacrifice do most for God’s cause 9T 157-8

thoughtful courtesies make up, of life’s happiness 3T 540


Summer, Christian’s, will be spent in world to come 7BC 988

heat of, theme for study 4T 581

hot, sun ripens grain in COL 47

houses need fresh air during CD 419; 2SM 456

in Palestine, streams during MB 147-8

no noticeable difference between evergreens and other trees in GC 602

Pentecost was observed amid richness of mid- Ed 42

proper clothing needed to protect health in 2T 532

sickly season of 3T 178

sleeping rooms during, need good ventilation 4aSG 143

walk in open air daily in 2T 529

winter and, follow each other regularly by God’s power MB 75


enjoyment of, heightened by memory of winter, lesson from OHC 158:3

heaven will be, for the Christian OHC 158; UL 311:6

Summer day

Summer day, Paul executed on AA 512; SR 317

Summer Hill, N.S.W.

Summer Hill, N.S.W., Health Home at CD 413

Summer noontide

Summer noontide, Christ and two angels visited Abraham in PP 138

Sun, Suns

1. In heavens

2. Miscellaneous

1. In heavens

after rain, peace that is like 7T 48

apart from Christ men are like moon with face turned away from MB 40

appointed to do its work 8T 311

brightness of, Christ’s glory far exceeds SC 126

burning rays of, baffled priests of Baal acted as if they wanted to grasp PK 150-1

Christ as Sun of Righteousness represented by TM 280

Christ made 4BC 1145-6; MH 424; 8T 288

Christ set, in heavens DA 463

circling throne of Deity in appointed order GC 677

coming forth as bridegroom out of chamber PP 641

counsel and advice uttered by CT 189; 8T 326

creative energy of, Baal worshipers’ claims re PK 120

darkened during crucifixion of Christ DA 753, 771; EW 177; SR 226; 1T 241; 2T 209, 211

not as result of eclipse DA 753

darkened on May 19, 1780 GC 306-8, 393

at close of great papal persecution DA 632

obscured by black and heavy mist GC 307

declining, Jerusalem bathed in light of DA 575, 577-8; GC 17-8

descending, glow of TM 429

earth caused by, to produce fruits DA 447

eclipse of, did not cause darkness when Christ died DA 753

effects of gazing at, in its meridian glory TM 388-9

Egyptians worshiped PP 272; 3SG 201, 241-2; SR 112, 114

farmer has been provided, by God 5T 724

filling world with light, Christian should be as 3T 403

flower turning to DA 468; SC 68; SD 26

fulfilling its mission, Christ as youth beheld 5BC 1117

full light of, Baal worshipers assembled at Mt. Carmel in 3T 280

given to awaken things of nature into life 2T 652

given to man by God CG 54

given to warm earth 2T 652

glorifies all nature CS 17; SD 17

glory of Christ’s mission represented by DA 463

God cares for FE 319

God causes, to rise 6BC 1062; MH 416; 8T 260

to shine on growing plants TM 243

God controls PK 116

God made SD 241

God’s wonderful work AA 180

goes forth daily on errand of mercy and love MB 39; SD 335

has its ministry Ed 103

heat of, seed made to grow by COL 63

hot summer, ripens hardy grain COL 47

how children may learn to see Christ in Ed 120

invites attention and meditation 3T 333

lessons taught by, that all should heed CT 190

Israelites worshiped, in Egypt 3SG 201; SR 112

light and warmth of, go out into ML 138

light of: Christ as DA 464

home where there will be no need of CT 344

New Jerusalem’s radiance will supersede GC 676; SR 432

sevenfold greater in world to come than now 7BC 988; MH 506; ML 348; 8T 42

shines with increasing power from morning till noon CT 230

See also Sunlight

light shed by, to gladden a thousand worlds DA 21

minister doing God’s will 3BC 1145; SD 110

navigation by, in Paul’s time AA 439

noonday, truth will be like 2SM 108

performs its office on Sabbath DA 206

placed in heavens to mark off periods of day and night 5T 312

power to scorch men with fire will be given to GC 628, 649

princely dignity of Christian character will shine forth as 4T 357

pursuing undeviating course, lesson from 5T 549

rays of: beneficial to health 2T 527

flowers tinted with beauty by DA 468

God’s blessings flow out like CS 23; SC 77

God’s love is like MB 77

health- and life-giving ML 138

light and warmth given to earth by 5T 312

penetrate to remotest corners of globe MB 42

vegetation caused to flourish by 5T 312

warm earth and nourish vegetation DA 206

reflected light of, moon and stars of solar system shine by DA 465; Ed 14; GW 50

rising: Christ as man admired SD 135

frost disappearing before SR 370

God of life and light represented by CT 54

lessons from MB 39; MYP 15

morning fog swept away before 4T 342

Source of life and light represented by MH 412; ML 175

rising and setting of, day is marked off by TM 136

rising in east and passing to west SD 276

sacrifices offered by priests of Baal to PK 115; 3T 263

set in its order in firmament by God MH 449

setting: Christ as man admired SD 135

Christ drew lessons from 2T 580

glories cast athwart heavens by TM 429

glories of MYP 366

heavens gilded and tinted by 2T 580

means of instruction PP 599

Sabbath begins at DA 771

Sabbath ushered in by DA 769

sanctuary bathed in light by PP 708

trumpets sounded at, to mark beginning of Sabbath DA 774

See also Sunset

shaking of, by God’s voice EW 41

shining after rainstorm 7T 48

shining at midnight EW 285; GC 636

shining at noon needs no glimmerings of torchlight to increase its glory FE 391

speaks of God’s love CS 17; SD 17

splendor of, Christ as a man noted with joy SD 135

stood still at Joshua’s command DA 406; PP 508-9

sunlight cannot be separated from 1SM 371

suppose that, should refuse to shine CM 152

useful and glorious in fulfilling its mission LS 87; ML 130

using a torch to give light to COL 111

venerable day of, heathen reverenced and observed Sunday as GC 52-3

See also Sunday

warmth imparted to buried seed by Ed 104

when, will appear like God’s avenging eye GC 637-8

will not pass away EW 41

with moon and stars, as powers of heaven EW 41

witnesses that God’s law is changeless and eternal DA 308

worlds guided by God in march around 1SM 294

See also Earth; Moon; Sun-god

2. Miscellaneous

afternoon, aged gospel worker’s 2SM 221

figure of, on black banner EW 211

images of, Asa removed PK 110

man whose declining, was about to sink behind western hills 5T 351

westering, about to sink forever from man’s sight 5T 464

western, message to persons facing PK 82

work while your, still lingers in heaven 5T 353


Christ self-possessed in world as, above the clouds TDG 263:4

Christ was like, as a teacher TMK 97:3

clouds covering, trials pass like OHC 65:4

light from Christians to dispel moral darkness like RC 379:2

rising of, like blessing Christ’s followers may be OHC 296:2; TDG 92:2

shining as, when Christ comes; put away imperfection first 3SM 427:1

Sunbeam, Sunbeams

Sunbeam, Sunbeams, aid in perfecting flower’s beauty and symmetry SC 68

flowers given varied and delicate tints by DA 313

lesson in 3T 333

pleasant and cheerful words compared to 1T 401

penetrate to remotest corners of earth DA 464

See also Sunlight


Christ was as, in the home TMK 30:2

lesson in objects of nature such as TMK 144:4


Sunbonnet, wearing of, erroneous ideas re CG 428; 2SM 475; 1T 275


Sunday, bears signature of man of sin 2SM 385

better way to use, than in games CT 550-1; 9T 237-8

bribes will be used to lead men to honor GC 592

cannot be sign between God and His people 4BC 1172; PK 184

change of Sabbath to, not attempted openly at first GC 52

child of the papacy 4BC 1168-9, 1172; 7BC 910, 979, 984-5; GC 54; 6T 193; 9T 235; SR 330; TM 140

as Christian institution GC 54

exalted above God’s holy day 6T 193

Protestant world received 7BC 979; TM 140

Christ and apostles did not honor GC 54; SR 330

Christ’s resurrection occurred on 5BC 1113; DA 779-80, 794; EW 181, 216

Christ’s resurrection on, did not make it Sabbath 5BC 1113

Satan exploited fact of EW 216

Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem was on DA 569

Christians anciently regarded, as day of recreation GC 52; SR 329

Christians anciently observed, as joyous festival GC 52

Christians were gradually led to regard, as sacred GC 53

Christians who honestly keep, in ignorance GC 449

Christians who observed, in past generations GC 449

Christian world exalted, above God’s sacred day of rest 9T 235

church councils exalted, more and more GC 53; SR 329-30

churches under papacy were compelled early to honor GC 65

civil authorities asked to force people to refrain from work on GC 575

Constantine made, public festival throughout Roman empire GC 53, 574; SR 329

counterfeit sabbath 1BC 1109; 7BC 981; Ev 234

cup of iniquity of nations will be full when it becomes law that transgression of, shall be met with punishment 7BC 910

day for setting aside tithes and offerings CS 80

decree that God’s people must observe, or lose lives 1T 353-4

desecration of, claim that fast-spreading corruption is largely due to GC 587

degraded state of morals will be attributed to GC 591

dignitaries of church and state will unite to compel all to honor GC 592

doctrine that Christ changed Sabbath to, Satan instigated EW 216

doing miss. work on, does not cause Sabbathkeeper to receive mark of beast 9T 232

takes whip from persecutors 9T 232

early efforts to exalt, in place of Sabbath GC 52-3

edict of king of Scotland that, be kept from Saturday noon to Monday morning GC 577

Eusebius of Caesarea taught that Christ transferred Sabbath to GC 574

exaltation of: false doctrine of Ev 365; TM 61

WCTU workers should not be aided in Te 224

in place of Sabbath, last act in drama 7T 141

exalted above God’s Sabbath 4BC 1168-9; Ev 365

false doctrine that exalts, above God’s Sabbath TM 61

false rest day Ev 225

false sabbath Ev 234-5

bear witness constantly against 7T 105

given to world by spiritual Babylon 7BC 985; 2SM 118

idol erected in 9T 211

oppressive law will enforce observance of 7BC 985

set up by Satan TM 473

sign of allegiance to, will be enforced by death penalty PK 189

when more decided effort will be made to exalt 7BC 985

God’s people cannot participate with men who exalt GW 391-2

handed down by heathen and papists EW 255-6

heathen festival EW 255-6; GC 54; SR 330

honored as divine institution GC 53; SR 330

observed as “venerable day of the sun” GC 52, 574; SR 328-9

reverenced as day of sun GC 53, 576

idol sabbath 7BC 977; 2SM 385

decree will go forth to cause men to worship 7BC 977

institution of Roman Church 2SM 55; 9T 16

is common working day Ev 225, 235; 6T 352; 4aSG 14

according to Bible 7BC 980

possessing no sanctity whatever 7BC 976

judgment in civil controversy forbidden on GC 574

laws to exalt, legislature will frame 7BC 976

liquor saloons should be closed on, and all other days of week Te 208

make no demonstration on, in defiance of law 9T 235

make plain to children that, is not true Sabbath FE 287

man has no right or power to substitute, for Sabbath CS 66

men made, festival in honor of Christ’s resurrection GC 52; EW 216-7; SR 329

most Protestant Reformers observed SR 353

nations will fill their cup of iniquity by punishing transgression of 7BC 910

never pay homage to 9T 235

no sacred honor placed upon 4aSG 14

not day sanctified by God EW 68

not day to be reverenced FE 475; GW 391

not Lord’s day GC 447

not one particle of sanctity possessed by 7BC 981

observance of, as mark of beast See Mark of beast

observed in England from ninth hour on Saturday GC 576-7

one of laboring days of week 1T 342

one of six laboring days EW 65

papacy exalted , in place of Sabbath TM 140

papacy forced churches of Africa to exalt GC 578

papal institution Ev 235; 7BC 977; 1T 223, 354; 5T 137; TM 37

papal leaders demanded that, be hallowed GC 65

papal power changed Sabbath to GC 452

papal sabbath Ev 235; 5T 464

Paul suggested, as proper time to plan offerings 3T 413

people forbidden to do agricultural labor on, when not at church GC 574-5

persons refusing to keep or honor: civil penalties will be visited on GC 604

exile awaits some GC 608

imprisonment awaits some GC 608

persecution awaits all 7BC 976

slavery awaits some GC 608

popery’s arrogant claims first asserted in behalf of GC 446-7

popery’s first resort to power of state in behalf of GC 446-7

popular churches proclaim, as God’s Sabbath FE 287

professed Christians who keep, as Sabbath of Lord 1T 223

Protestant churches exalt, above God’s Sabbath 6T 193

Protestants exalted, above God’s holy day FE 288

Protestants who observe, Roman Catholic regard for GC 447-8

Protestants working in disguise will bring, to front 5T 449

rejecters of, messages from evil spirits to GC 591

rival sabbath 7BC 985

set up by man of sin 7BC 910

Roman Catholics and Protestants will unite to exalt GC 578

Roman Church’s efforts to exalt, instead of Sabbath GC 51-3

Sabbath and, both kept for a time GC 52-3, 65; SR 329

sabbath of papacy’s creating GC 448

sabbath of Satan’s creating TM 472

Sabbath was not changed to EW 255

Satan considers, as his sabbath PK 184

Satan put, in place of Sabbath Ev 355

Satan’s plan to extol PK 184

satanic heresies exalt TM 62

significance of willfully keeping, instead of Sabbath GC 448-9

small minority will refuse to keep GC 615

spirit of papacy leads Protestant churches to exalt GC 573

spurious rest day 7BC 980; Ev 355

spurious sabbath 4BC 1152, 1168-9, 1172; 7BC 976, 984; Ev 235; FE 475; GW 391; PK 184; 2SM 385; 6T 193

all nations will be commanded to worship 7BC 976

child of papacy FE 288

man of sin worked marvelously to exalt 7BC 977

men who will see true nature of, too late GC 640

mark showing who are Satan’s subjects 6T 352

received from Roman Church GC 536

results of forcing men to accept 8T 94

sign of Satan’s authority 7BC 977; 6T 352

significance of exalting CG 492

substitution of, in place of Sabbath will be last act in drama 7T 141

violation of: calamities will be attributed to GC 590

death will be made penalty for TM 473

SDA shall be accused of offending God by GC 590

violators of, pope ordered parish priests to admonish GC 575

way of spending, that is acceptable to God 9T 238; WM 76

when Sunday laws are enforced CT 551; 9T 232-3, 235, 237-8; WM 76

when to employ, in miss. work for God CT 550-1; 9T 233-8; WM 76

when willfully keeping, is mark of beast 7BC 977, 980; Ev 234-5; GC 448-9, 604-5

when refusal to keep, will be declared deserving of death GC 604, 615-6, 626, 635

will be set up as was image of Babylon 7BC 976

working on, calamities attributed to GC 575

danger of creating bitter prejudice by 9T 235

people punished for GC 574-5

supposition that lightning strikes people for GC 575

world will hate SDA for not honoring TM 37

See also Sunday observance


antagonism of those who revere LDE 139:3

Bible authority missing for observance of Mar 170:5

calamities said to be from desecration of Mar 176:5; TMK 355:2

Catholic institution; discernment blinded 3SM 424:0

deal with, cautiously in teaching about the Sabbath Mar 177:4

defiance of laws against SW 69:3

enforcement of, will be thought to stop calamities Mar 216:7

exaltation of,

avoided; avoid unnecessary antagonism 3SM 396:5

in any way is disloyalty 3SM 397:3

stronger after truth to all nations Mar 189:4

laws about,

accepted by whole world LDE 136

actions about, clearer after they are enacted 3SM 394:3

advocates of,

arguments used by LDE 129:4

do not know what they are doing LDE 125:3

cautions in relating to 3SM 394f

defiance of LDE 138

demonstrations and defiance of, avoided 3SM 399:1

enforcement of, by secular and religious leaders Mar 188:3

framed by the wicked UL 262:4

God thought to be appeased by Mar 176:5

ignoring; sitting in quietude LDE 126

in Christian nations LDE 136, 215

in the 1880s LDE 125

national apostasy of United States by LDE 133

neutrality is wrong on issues of 3SM 397:3

oppressive, enacted as milder measures fail Mar 188:3

saints isolated as only ones against Mar 209:3

trumpet to sound about PM 222:3

United States,

legislation of, peril from Mar 179:2

will pass LDE 128

world to be warned about LDE 127:4

See also Laws, human

mark of the beast received by accepting Mar 164:4

missionary work on SW 69:2, 70:2

observance of,

decree for, time of trouble for God’s people HP 344:3

demonstrations about, to be avoided 3SM 395:3, 399:1

may seem like a small matter to the world UL 315:4

not now a test,

present the truth Mar 177:3

Sunday work not recommended (1895) SW 69:2

(reverencing) places us on side of Satan 3SM 388:3

time for God to work when force used for Mar 262:5

pleasure seeking on, not model for Sabbath keeping HP 151:3

punishment and death threatened those not observing Mar 198:2

refraining from work on, not the mark of the beast Mar 177:5

SDAs charged as cause of trouble for desecrating Mar 176:2

working on,

forbidden, and attempting to force it on Sabbath Mar 177:3

neighbors not to be annoyed by our 3SM 395:2, 399:1

not necessary in order to keep the Sabbath SW 75:1

not to be recommended in South SW 68, 72:3

refraining from LDE 138:4; 3SM 394

world converted and in harmony with observing 3SM 428:1

See also Sabbath, false

Sunday evening meeting, Sunday evening meetings

Sunday evening meeting, Sunday evening meetings Ev 148

Sunday institution

Sunday institution, bears it author’s name 7BC 981

rests upon false foundation 5T 711

Sundaykeeper, Sundaykeepers

Sundaykeeper, Sundaykeepers, bowing to papal institution 1T 223

make no compromise with 2SM 385

sincere, be careful not to offend 9T 244

trampling on God’s law 1T 223

Sunday labor question

Sunday labor question 9T 232-8

met at Cooranbong, N.S.W. 9T 236-8

solution to CT 550-1; WM 76

Sunday law, Sunday laws

Sunday law, Sunday laws, American legislators and rulers will yield to demand for GC 592

best way to defeat CW 98

Constantine urged by bishops to issue GC 53

Constantine’s GC 52-3; SR 329

in early part of fourth century GC 53

virtually a heathen statute GC 574

defiance of, strengthens persecution by religious zealots 9T 232

disloyalty to God shown by framing of CW 97-8

do not defy 9T 232

do not vote for men in favor of FE 475; GW 391-2

do your very best to defeat CW 98

effort to change US Constitution and secure 5T 711, 753

efforts to enforce, arouse to action against 5T 713

enacted by USA, life will be given to tyranny by 5T 712

Protestantism will join hands with popery in 5T 712

sign to leave large cities 5T 464-5

will be abjuration of principles of its government 5T 712

enactment of: daring impiety in PK 186

man of sin will cause 9T 230

enforcement of: by USA through legislative enactments 7BC 977

devote Sunday to miss. work during CT 550-1; 9T 232-3

God’s people not ready for issue to be brought by 5T 713

how to defeat 9T 233

how to meet CT 550-1; 9T 232-8

how to oppose 5T 713-4

man of sin will cause 7BC 975

met in Cooranbong, N.S.W. CT 550-1; 9T 236-8

pray for deferment of 5T 714

results of, for Sabbathkeepers GC 608-10, 615

threefold union of Protestants, Romanists, and spiritualists in 5T 451

USA will disconnect herself fully from righteousness by 5T 451

expose man of sin who has made, a distinctive power TM 118

first public GC 574

forbidding labor on Sunday, will be more stringent FE 322

framing of, disloyalty to God in CW 97-8

leaflets should be used in meeting agitation for Ev 232

legislators will yield to demand for GC 592; PK 606; 5T 451

made while laws legalize traffic of intoxicating liquor PK 186

make no demonstration on Sunday in defiance of 9T 235

man of sin has made, a distinctive power TM 118

most severe and exacting, Satan plans to introduce TM 473

observance of papal institution is enforced by 5T 137

oppressive, Sunday observance will be enforced by 7BC 985

penalties for violation of, during Dark Ages GC 574-5

persecution awaits persons refusing to bow to 2SM 380

production of apostate Christendom 9T 235

result of, many do not realize what will be 5T 753

Sabbathkeepers may suffer greatly under 2SM 375

Satan’s plan to exterminate Sabbath-keepers by means of TM 473

Satan’s plans and purposes for TM 472-3

seducers will establish, and make it a test for all 2SM 375

SDA schools should give Sunday to miss. work when, are strictly enforced CT 550-1; 9T 233, 236-8

sufferings of persons who disregard TM 473

US rulers and legislators will yield to demand for GC 592

violators of, death penalty will be invoked against TM 473

will be driven from towns and cities TM 473

what should be SDA attitude toward Ev 235

will be: enacted 7BC 976-7

invoked against commandment keepers GC 607-10

used to trample Sabbath underfoot 5T 137

worldly policy will urge outward compliance with 5T 712

See also Sunday legislation

Sunday-law movement

Sunday-law movement, books whose wide circulation would arrest CM 123

leaders of, advocate some needed reforms GC 587-8

leaders of, true issue concealed by 5T 452

right upon us 5T 716

satanic force propels 7BC 975

SDA duty re 5T 452, 716

trumpet should be given certain sound re CW 97

See also National Reform Movement

Sunday legislation

Sunday legislation, America and papacy will unite to enforce 6T 18

do not vote for men in favor of FE 475

evangelists needed wherever question of, is agitated Ev 394-5; 9T 51

Satan inspires PK 186

Satan is behind 7BC 977

US example in, every country on globe will follow 6T 18

when, will mark filling of cup of iniquity of nations 7BC 910

See also Sunday law

Sunday movement

Sunday movement, linking of, with reforms needed in America GC 587-8

Sunday observance

1. Enforcement of

2. Miscellaneous

1. Enforcement of

arguments for, in America GC 587

as means of averting calamities GC 590

by civil authorities throughout nearly all Christendom GC 575

by Protestants: is worship of beast GC 448-9

is worship of papacy GC 448-9

by USA: significance of 7BC 977; GC 607

sign that angel of mercy is about to leave and never return 5T 451

sign that end is near 5T 451

sign that limit of God’s forbearance is reached 5T 451

sign that Satan’s marvelous working is come 5T 451

time of Jacob’s trouble for God’s people will begin with 5T 451

civil powers will make laws for 7BC 976

claim that morals of society will be improved by GC 587

contempt shown for great Lawgiver by 7BC 977

crisis approaching re 9T 232

death penalty will accompany PK 189; TM 473

decree for, results of Ev 234-5

will go forth to whole world 7BC 976

final decree for EW 282-3

will not be urged on people blindly GC 605

first public measure re GC 574

God’s sanctified rest day will be trampled underfoot by 5T 137

in United States GC 579

significance of GC 449

will be worship of beast and his image GC 449

laws most severe and exacting will be used for TM 473

man of sin will cause laws to be made for 7BC 975; 9T 230

measures used for, after papacy became firmly established GC 574-5

movement for: gaining ground fast GC 580

law will be invoked against Sabbath-keepers by GC 607

often linked with temperance work GC 587-8

Protestants and papists will unite in GC 607

significance of 5T 711

strikes directly against religious liberty 5T 711

will become more bold and decided GC 607

movement in USA to secure GC 573

papacy will receive honor in homage paid in GC 579

papal institution is enforced by 5T 451

powers of earth will attempt 7BC 980

powers of earth will unite in decree for GC 604

Protestant churches prepare for GC 580

Protestant churches will unite with civil power for Ev 235

Protestant world will be brought under papacy’s banner through GC 448

Protestants little understand results of GC 581

question of, is one of national importance 5T 711

questioned by people in past GC 576

recognition of cornerstone principles of Romanism 5T 712

religious and secular authorities will unite in GC 615

Rev. 13:11-16 will be fulfilled by, on part of USA GC 578-9

rigid laws will be used in 9T 229-30

Roman Catholic rejoicing over GC 448

Roman Church claims, as acknowledgment of her supremacy GC 579

Roman Church will aid Protestant churches in GC 580

Satan’s object in seeking 7BC 981

unsound argument Protestants offer for GC 54

virtual recognition of fundamental principles of Romanism 5T 712

when, by combined authority of church and state will take place Ev 235

2. Miscellaneous

acceptance of, exaltation of man of sin by 7BC 910

after light has come, is plain contradiction of God’s law 6T 193

American Sunday School Union on GC 447

American Tract Society on GC 447

among Christians owes its existence to mystery of iniquity 5T 712

arguments used by worldlings for GC 454-5

as Christian institution: originated in mystery of lawlessness GC 54; SR 330

owes its existence to “mystery of iniquity” 5T 712

as homage to Rome GC 449

as idolatry after light has come FE 287

built on sandy foundation GC 640

by churches of Africa GC 578

by churches of Ethiopia GC 578

by Protestants, Segur (Mgr.) quoted on GC 448

church councils’ decisions re GC 53, 575, 577; SR 329-30

church ordinances used to establish, in Christian world GC 574

communication from spirits in favor of GC 591

cradled and nourished by Christian world 7BC 984-5

crisis coming in regard to 2SM 359; 5T 451-2, 711, 753

custom which originated with Rome GC 573

early, while seventh day was still regarded as Sabbath GC 52-3, 574

Elliott (George) quoted on GC 447

Eusebius of Caesarea quoted on GC 574

exaltation of, after papacy became firmly established GC 574

fabrication of miracles by papal leaders to support GC 579

false foundation of, many people do not understand 5T 711

false reasoning used to support GC 454-5

fashion affects Ed 247

forged roll used in support of GC 576

France abolished, in 1793 GC 274

general councils used to establish, in Christian world GC 574

God’s law trampled upon by 1T 223

God’s Sabbath cannot be invalidated by 7BC 910

heathen and papists handed down EW 255-6

homage to papacy SR 383

idolatry after light is received on true Sabbath FE 287

institution ordained by papacy GC 449

introduction of, into Christian church GC 52-3, 574-5; SR 328-30

kingdoms have confederated to sustain 7BC 977

lack of Bible authority for, embarrassing GC 576

lack of divine authority for, will be supplied by oppressive enactments GC 592

laxity in, calamities on land and sea will be charged to ChS 155

man-made institution 7BC 981; ChS 155; PK 187

man of sin instituted 7BC 910, 979, 981; 2SM 380, 385; 1T 76

man of sin’s effort to change Sabbath observance to LS 96

men in responsible positions will urge, upon people ChS 155

mark of authority of Roman Church Ev 234

mark of beast 7BC 976, 979-80; Ev 234-5; GC 449; 8T 117; TM 133

miracles allegedly wrought in favor of GC 575-6, 579

neglect of, claim that God’s judgments come as result of GC 579

new doctrine re, Eusebius of Caesarea advanced GC 574

no authority for: in God’s oracles 7BC 977

in God’s word 4BC 1152; 7BC 980; Ev 235

in Scriptures GC 54, 434-5, 446-9, 455; SR 330

not instituted by God EW 33

not yet the mark of beast 7BC 977; GC 449

object sought by bishops in promoting GC 53

papacy authorized, instead of Sabbath observance GC 446

papacy claims, as special acknowledgment of its supremacy GC 579

papacy’s first resort to power of state was to compel GC 446-7

papal leaders demanded GC 65

people in past questioned GC 576

pope instituted EW 33, 65; LS 101

popery first asserted its arrogant claims in behalf of GC 446-7

previous decisions on, synod in Rome reaffirmed GC 575

principal object in GC 573

production of apostate Christendom 9T 235

Protestant, Roman Church’s power recognized by GC 447-8

Protestant argument for GC 54; SR 330

Protestant churches pay homage to Roman Church by GC 580

Protestant teachers lack divine authority for GC 579

reasons for, how Adventists began to examine EW 255-6; GC 434-5, 455; SR 380

regulations for, embodied in ecclesiastical law GC 575

requisition of miracles in support of GC 575

rests solely on authority of Roman Church GC 579

Roman Catholic writers claim that their church introduced GC 447-8

Roman Church claims, as sign of her authority GC 573

royal edicts used to establish, in Christian world GC 574

Satan behind exaltation of, through legislation 7BC 977

Satan seeks to unite church and world in support of TM 472

Satan will appear as false christ commending GC 624

Satan’s plan for exalting TM 472

Satan’s plan to institute EW 215-7; PK 183-4

sign of allegiance to papacy GC 449

sign of papal authority GC 448, 573

significance of acceptance of, by Protestant churches and by world GC 448

statesmen uphold 4BC 1168

supported by false reasoning GC 454-5

token of papal supremacy GC 449

tradition and custom will be presented in behalf of ChS 155

two-horned beast will make, a test 1T 223

universal enforcement of, last act in drama 7BC 980; 7T 141

Waffle (A. E.) quoted on GC 447

when: in obedience to state law will be opposition to God GC 605

will be allegiance to power opposed to God GC 605

will be homage paid to papacy GC 449

will be honoring pope above God GC 449

will become mark of beast 7BC 977, 980; Ev 234-5; GC 448-9, 604-5

wicked will be distinguished by efforts to exalt 2SM 55; 9T 16

will be urged: for restoring temporal prosperity GC 590

upon God’s people PK 188

worldlings and church members accept TM 472

worship of beast or his image by TM 133

zealous advocate of, in England near close of 12th century GC 576